Poe Dameron - The Force Awakens (2)

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"Where is the map?"

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you," he muttered violently, watching as Kylo Ren circled around him like a shark swimming around its prey.

"No?" He asked tauntingly, unnerving his captive. "Poe Dameron, greatest pilot of the Resistance. It'd be a shame if someone discovered a weakness of yours."

"Well tough luck, buddy, I don't have a-" suddenly he cut himself off as a scream echoed through the metal and concrete hallways. No. They didn't.

The door abruptly slid open, revealing a girl struggling against two storm troopers who held each of her arms.

Poe stared. They did.

The girl was putting up a fight but it was clear she'd already taken a beating. A bruise was beginning to swell on her cheek and a trickle of blood slid from the corner of her mouth. She only stopped when the troopers violently yanked her to straighten up, ordering her to stay quiet.

For a tense second, the two stared at each other wide-eyed, sharing the most intense and fearful moment they'd ever experienced in their lives.

"Poe, don't-" She was immediately cut off by a blaster pressing against her jaw, forcefully closing her mouth shut.

"Don't do this," Poe muttered, his voice shaking. "Not this."

"I shouldn't have to. Not if you give me what I want."

The girl tugged her head away from the blaster to shout. "Don't do it, Dameron. Don't you do thi-"

Poe watched as the trooper slammed the base of his blaster against her temple, knocking her out cold and letting her crumple to the cold floor. Immediately, the most intense emotions of rage and hatred that Poe had ever felt washed over him.

"Stop!" he screamed as he ripped, yanked, and struggled against his restraints.

"Tell me," Ren demanded cooly, enraging Poe even more. The way he appeared so calm and in control of the situation maddened him to the point of a near melt-down. "Just one sentence and she leaves out of here alive."

Poe inhaled a deep breath and closed his eyes. He exhaled in a sigh. "It's... it's in a BB-8 unit... Jakku."

"Very well." Without another word, Kylo Ren stepped away from the restraining chair. He nodded to his troopers and they followed him, the doors closing and locking behind them.

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