Cassian Andor - Star Wars: Rogue One

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From a distance, leaning against the doorway, I watched as Cassian volunteered his group of rebels to Jyn. I shook my head and wiped a tear away from my eye.

Stupid boy.

The group disbanded to prepare and Cassian turned to meet my eyes.

I didn't need to say anything for him to know how I felt.

"Don't try look so excited," he called as he approached me. I didn't even crack a smile.

He stopped a foot in front of me and I pushed off the doorway to straighten up. He paused for a moment, glancing me over, and sighed. "I'll be back, I know it," he said gently.

I shook my head. "There's no way you could know that."

"But I believe it."

"And I believe this time is different, Cassian..." I searched his eyes, taking in what might be the last time I see them. I blink and another tear falls as I lower my gaze to the ground. "Going to Scarif... The risks are so high."

He said nothing. There was nothing to say. I knew deep down that the mission was inevitable; I could only hope for him to come home.

He took a step closer and took me in his arms. I dug my head into his chest, wrapping my arms tight around his torso.

"Just come back," I mumbled into his shirt. "Come back to me."

He ran a hand through my hair and pulled me even closer.

"I will."

In the distance one of the volunteers called, beckoning Cassian to the ship. He looked up and nodded, holding up a finger.

I pulled away and we both walked a few paces towards the ship in silence. Finally, as we were only a few feet away from the loading door, Cassian stopped and turned to me. For a moment neither of us said anything; we took in each other as much as we could.

I placed a hand on the side of his face and brushed a thumb over his cheek. I blinked back tears, but a few more fell anyway. I carefully took in all his facial features and after a moment we finally locked gazes.

"Y/N, I know I can't guarantee what you wish I could guarantee..." He started. "But I can guarantee that if anything tries to keep me from coming back to you, then I'm going to put up a fight about it." He paused again, searching my eyes. Without another word he gently pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. I desperately kissed back, trying to remember every single detail.

"I love you. So much," he whispered as he pulled away. "Always remember that."

"I love you too," I replied. "So much," i whispered, brushing a piece of his hair away from his face.

Some shuffling was heard inside the ship as the group was preparing to leave. We both turned our heads to see Bodhi appear at the doorway, ready to close the bay door. We turned our attention back to each other for a last few moments.

"Guess it's time..." I mumbled. I leaned up and briefly pressed my lips to his again, memorizing the feel of his lips on mine. I pulled away and just before he stepped on board, he enveloped me in one last embrace, holding me as tight as ever.

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