Poe Dameron - The Force Awakens

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She searched the crowd, scanning for a familiar face. She perked as she spotted the signature orange jumpsuit, but her heart dropped as she realized it wasn't who she wanted to see. She spotted about five more, getting her hopes up each time only to leave her heart painfully disappointed. Finally, she spotted another flash of orange, letting her hopes raise one last time before Poe weaved through the crowd, his smile growing wider and wider with each step.

As he came closer she grinned and leapt into his arms, knocking him off slightly balance.

Poe laughed. "Looks like someone missed me."

"You were gone so long... and with everything I heard I was so worried," she said. She pulled away and placed her arms on her hips. "And not once did you come visit me."

"Geez, mom, sorry. Not sure what I was thinking, not visiting you in the middle of a war," he said sarcastically.

She laughed. "I'm joking. But seriously, it's been as boring as ever around here with you gone. I can only paint and wash so many X-Wings without it getting old."

"When's the last time you had fun?"

"Honestly, pretty much since you left," the girl admitted. "Everyone here was pretty tuned into what was going on out there and no one really felt like having fun. And from everything I heard happened to you..."

Poe gently nudged her shoulder. "Hey, I made it back didn't I?"

"Yeah, from Lord Vader himself," she said, punching his arm. "Ya idiot."

Poe rolled his eyes, but then glanced down to take her hand, her heart fluttering. "Come on. Let's go have some fun."


"Are you sure this wont get us in trouble?" She questioned.

"No way. They won't even notice it's missing."

"You did get this dispatch authorized... right?" She raised an eyebrow. Poe gave her a suspicious sideways glance and she crossed her arms. "Right?" Poe was silent. "Poe!"

"Maybe, maybe not. Does it really matter?"

She threw up her arms. "Well yeah, it kinda does!"

Poe smirked and hopped off the speeder. "Well if sneaking out on an unauthorized speeder bike ride matters that much to you, then let's go." Before she could turn to run, he wrapped his arms around her waist and slung her over his shoulder.

She pounded on his back. "Poe, no! We can't- Ouff!" He dropped her on the back of the speeder and quickly hopped on in front of her before she could protest.

"You're ridiculous," she muttered.

Poe glanced over his shoulder at her with a devious smile. "And you need to learn how to have some fun, sweetheart." Despite her annoyance, her heart skipped a beat at the nickname he gave her. She said nothing, thankful he couldn't see her blush as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

She heard the revving of the engine and felt the vibrations in the machine, hovering in place just seconds before they left the rebellion base in a cloud of dust.


"This is my favorite spot," he said, stepping off. He held out his hand and helped the girl off the bike. "I go here when I just kinda wanna get away from everything, you know?"

She nodded. "I know exactly what you mean." And really, she did. Mostly because she felt the same way. Even though she was voluntarily involved to fight the good fight, it was nice to get away from the war every now and then. All the sadness, the fear, the dread. The bleak military base that seemed more like a prison than anything. Sometimes, it was all too much.

She waited for Poe to let go of her hand, but to her surprise that time never came. It was only when they made it all the way to the edge of the cliff when they finally broke apart to sit down next to each other. They sat on the edge, their feet hanging off the side. For a few brief moments, neither of them said anything.

They enjoyed the silence until finally, Poe was the first to speak up.

"I've been thinking..." He started, gazing off into the distance where the stars were just beginning to peek out of the purple and blue sky.

"That's a first," the girl smirked.

"You're probably right." He smiled, but it quickly faded as he looked down at his lap. "But... Out there, my life on the line... Things were different. Something changed. I realized that."

"What do you mean?"

"My priorities." He let out a hollow chuckle. "I wasn't even remotely concerned about the danger. Not even my own life."

"Then what were you worried about?"

"The stuff I'd never get to do. Stuff I would miss out on."


"Well, most of it was about the most important mission I'd fail to do. It was a mission I'd given myself on the very same day I met you."

The girl looked at him precariously, turning his words over in her head. What he was saying didn't make sense. Then, Poe straightened up and turned to look at her.

"And that mission was...?" She asked.

He held her gaze for a brief pause before he tilted his head down. And, just before he pressed his lips to hers, he muttered, "to make you mine."

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