Poe Dameron - The Force Awakens (Part 2 of 5th)

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"Come on, rookie, you gotta be kidding me," I grumbled, kneeling over my squad member. "Dying on the first mission? You can do better than that." I shook him, but no response.

He was pretty beaten; he was bruised all over from the impact on the ground. His right leg appeared to be broken and he was bleeding from a deep gash across his forehead. Even with his parachute, he appeared to have hit and tumbled on the ground pretty hard.

I shook him again; after no response I took his pulse and then proceeded to perform CPR. I was taken by suprise when I noticed that tears were streaming down my face as performed chest compressions. I shook my head.

"Come on, rookie, I can't lose you too," I say, nearly choking. I shook my head again; after eight rounds of compressions and breathing, he should've responded. However, my efforts appeared to be no use.

I angrily performed one last compression into his chest before I leaned back on my knees, slamming the side of my fist onto the ground. I closed my eyes and shook my head, more tears falling.

"It was me," I mumble angrily to myself, burying my head in my hands. "He wasn't ready, I knew it." Quickly, my anger turned to frustation, regret, then to sadness, all in a few seconds. "Deep down I knew but I- I'm such an idiot, I'm- I'm so sorry Poe. I'm so sorry."

I don't know how long I was sitting there, crying into my hands, but a sudden sound jarred me back to reality. It was the same voice that I would become so familiar with for the next few years.

"Cap? Captain?" I heard a voice croak out weakly. For a brief moment I didn't realize he'd spoken, but as soon as I opened my eyes and saw him looking up at me from the ground with confused eyes, trying to sit up, I lost it.

I flung my arms around his neck and cried harder than I had in my three years of leadership. All those emotions from the deaths I'd witnessed and the pain I'd ignored suddenly resurfaced and I had no way to push them away. I was both sad and happy, but mostly glad that I'd saved myself one less death on my consience.

"Thank the Maker," I breathed behind his back. Poe didn't respond, but he slung an arm around me and patiently waited for me to recompose myself.

I finally let him go, wiping at my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Poe," I apologized, shaking my head. "I- I should have been a better leader. And look at me, you're not supposed to see me like this," I said, sniffling and trying hopelessly to brush away my tears. "As soon as we get back, I promise I'm... I'm going to step down. I can guarantee you-"

"No," Poe interrupted. "You shouldn't resign." I gaped at him, a little surprised. He continued to speak. "Excuse my interruption, Captain, but you're wrong. You couldn't have been a better leader. You warned me about the dangers of war and I knew what I was agreeing to. You've done what's right, and I've made my decision. What happens to me isn't your fault."

"Poe..." I shook my head at him in disbelief. Here he was, complimenting the same person that threw him into the midst of a battlefield and nearly costed him his life. "You don't know how much of an honor it is to be your leader. And truthfully, I think you'll become an even better leader someday."

Poe offered me a smile before replying. "Thank you, Captain."

I stood and offered him a hand. I immediately slung an arm across his shoulders, trying to support his broken leg. We stood still for a moment and when we gained our balance, I turned to him.

"Please, Dameron. Call me Y/N."

And with that, we both turned, where my X-Wing was sitting visibly a few paces away on the horizon, waiting to return us home safely.

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