Henry Turner (Pt. 1) - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

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A/N: This is kind of a boring back story of how Y/N becomes affiliated with the Turners. You can skip to part 2 where Henry actually appears if you don't want the background stuff. Second part is now posted.

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I eyed the fresh fruit on the display - stacked perfectly, freshly picked and washed. My stomach grumbled as I eyed a section of particularly plump apples. I could only imagine how my brother react if I could bring one home to him; I doubt either of us could remember what fresh produce tasted like.

I struggled to read the messily painted price menu nailed to a nearby post. One silver piece each? Two? It was hard to make out. I recognized only about three out of fifteen items listed. I glanced at the vendor host, who was turned around arranging another section of the display. I looked around for someone to purchase an item so I could get an idea of the price but the only customer nearby was an elderly lady with a knobby wooden walking stick. She squinted at the large selection of fruits; she looked like she would barley be able to read the sign herself.

My stomach grumbled and I glanced at the horizon. I was starving (very much literally) and the sun would be going down any minute. I sighed and shook my head. I dug out a handful of about four silver coins - my estimated price - and quickly placed them on the counter. I quickly grabbed two apples and ducked out to avoid embarrassment of the fact that, yes, I'm illerate - very much like the other 95% of women in this town.

"STOP!" I heard a loud bellow. My feet immediately halted in their tracks. I felt all eyes trained on me as I  turned around slowly. I gulped. In the middle of the stand the vendor host had turned around so that I could see him clearly. To describe him as accurately as possible in one word, most would say huge. That's exactly what he was. Huge arms, huge chest, huge hands, huge everything.

He lifted his arm and motioned a finger for me to come closer. Somehow, my heavy feet un-rooted themselves from the ground and traveled a few shaky paces to the counter. He glowered down at me with dark, swirling eyes.

An unexpected sickening smile spread across his face. "Young lady, do you know the punishment for theft?"

I hesitantly opened my mouth. "I-"

"Whatever I see fit!" He interrupted. "My vendor, my rules. A fine, a prison sentence..." he paused and quickly glanced down. "Maybe even a hand!" In a flash his arm flew up and he yanked my hand, slamming it onto the counter and knocking a box of oranges over in the process. With his other hand he reached down and pulled a hatchet from behind the counter, raising it above his head. I was just beginning to prepare myself for the pain when I heard a shout.

"Young lady!" A woman shouted angrily. I looked over my shoulder with my hand still being held against the counter. She had blonde hair fixed into a neat bun and a facial expression almost as terrifying as the vendor's. "What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

I had no idea who she was. I was completely and utterly confused, but at the moment my options were limited. I decided on begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"What did I tell you? You've already used up your money. Don't you ever listen, child?"

She shook her head disappointedly. I watched as she approached the vendor with an apologetic smile.

"My apologies, sir. I'll pay you the correct amount and we'll be on our way. No theft charges, yes?" She compromised holding out a large handful of coins. The host eyed her before grunting, snatching the cash, and releasing my hand. As he turned to store away the money, the woman grabbed the apples and my hand before pulling me away. She dragged me along and didn't stop until we had just reached the outside of the market.

"Each is four silver pieces, not two," she said suddenly. "A rather expensive price, but what else would you expect from a guy like him?"

I gave her a blank stare, not quite sure how to respond.

"Here's the apples," she said, placing them in my hand.

Finally, I opened my mouth. "Thank you and... I'm very sorry you had to save me back there like that..." I say with embarrassment.

She sighed. "Quite alright... I know it's not your fault. Tell me, where are you going? It's getting late."

"My brother is waiting for me at my house. It's not far."

The woman studied me carefully, taking in my appearance. It wasn't hard for her to figure out that the house I was going to wasn't much of a house at all.

"Just your brother?"

I glanced down at my shoes, shuffling them. "Well, yeah. It's just us. I'm the oldest."

She nodded and a few seconds of silence passed before she replied.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Y/N, I'm Elizabeth. I'd like you and your brother to have dinner with my son and I tonight. Sound okay?"

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