Night to Rememer

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I finally came back to life from my daze, and realized I'd been standing in one spot for who knows how long. I was a but surprised that they didn't send anyone to escort me out, since I could steal something or get lost.

"Jessica." I murmured to myself.

I took one final look at the room. The white walls, the shiny brown table, the couch that 3/5 of One Direction sat on. I tried to take it all in, absorb every detail of it.

This is it. The room that may, or may not have, changed my life.

After a final look and a few deep breaths, I turned and sprinted out the door and down the long hallway. Luckily, I remembered where to go...sort of. The lights were actually on now, and it was a lot brighter that it was earlier, which was good.

While I was running down the hallway, I realized that it was almost empty. The One Direction management and security seemed to be gone, and the only people remaining were those who worked at the arena (judging by their uniforms).

I kept runnning until I reached the door that lead to the actual seats. I urgently needed to find Jessica, tell her everything, and make sure we can stay in Orlando for the next week. Where could she be by now?!

I pushed the heavy door open, and it lead into the gated area which I had entered through earlier. There, to my releif, I saw Jessica arguing with a security guard.

Jessica looked tired. Her hair, which was previously in black, shiny curls, had fallen. Now it was in loose waved. Her face was rather red from all of the excitement, and her lip gloss had come off. Her eye makeup was smeared under her eyes, it wasn't too terribly bad, but it was noticeable. Yet, she still managed to look gorgeous. Maybe I shouldn't bring her with me to hang out with the boys. They might fall in love with her and forget about me.              Nah, I'd bring her.

She seemed to be really getting into her argument with the guard. At first glance, the man was scary. He was facing toward her, with his back to me. I couldn't see his face, but I didn't have to. His voice was deep and threatening, and he was BUILT. At about 6'4, he looked like a wrestler. Classic security guard, like the ones you see in movies. But Jessica isn't scared of anything. Or anyone, for that matter.

"No! That was my best friend on stage! I need to go find her!" She stomped her foot on the cold, hard ground like a character. She obviously didn't notice me standing by the door, and I watched in her in amusement. 

"Sure it was. Look, the boys have already-"

"I don't care about the damn boys! Ok, that's a lie. But that really was my friend, Charlotte. We came here together, and I need to find her!"

"Mam, go home. Do you know how many people have claimed to be her best friend tonight? Give it up."


"No buts! Goodbye now. Have a nice night.

At this point, I moved directly behind the bodyguard, and I was hiding behind his monsterous back. Was she really that blind? Geez, Jess.

Jessica rolled her eyes in annoyance, and it was obvious she wasn't going to give up. Before she could continue arguing, I popped out from behind the guard.

"Well hi!" I said cheerfully and calmly, even though I wanted to tackle my best friend and tell her everything that happened.

"OH MY GOSH!" Jessica screeched, and tackled me into a hug. "See?" She turned around and said to the guard and stuck her tongue out at him. 

He held his hands up as if she was pointing a gun at him. "Sorry."

"Mmmhmm." She might as well have been pointing a gun, with the death glare she was giving him.

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