•All town Riots and Penny Peabody is a bitch•

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Aviana woke up in a hospital room, her eyes still adjusting to the light, she could make out a dark figure sat in a chair next to her bed.

Soon realising it's her dad, she spoke out, "dad,"
"Aviana, baby, how are you feeling?"
"Sore, where's Jughead and Sweet Pea,"
"There out battling the riots,"
"Riots what riots?"
"When you and Fangs got shot, riots broke out, all over town,"

Aviana move forward gaining strength finally in her upper body.
"When can I leave, dad?"
"Now, if you want to but you've only just woken up,"
"I need to leave, I need to help,"
"Let's go to the Wyrm come on,"

FP and his daughter shortly arrived at the bar,
It seemed like there was arguing when FP had to shout to get attention.
"That's enough,"

Once he had shouted all the attention turned to them.
Aviana with a bandage shoulder was enough to give them a relieved sigh.

Sweet Pea rushed towards her and held her closely, "I'm not letting you go now, you hear me?" He chuckled, kissing her head.

Aviana took place between Toni and Sweet Pea as her father spoke.
"I just got a call from the Sheriffs office, Fangs Uh,"
Aviana looked down at her feet, she had already heard the news but little did she know as did the rest of the serpents, Fangs was still alive.
"He didn't make it, he's gone,"
"Fangs is dead?" Spoke Jughead

Sweet Pea squeezed Avianas hand, she could feel the motion being held back in his this hand.

"We will mourn hell yes we will. But first, we will honour him.From what I just heard we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?"

Aviana moves towards her brother and leant on him, whispering in his ear, "Dad wants a reaction, he's emotional, don't give him one,"
She turned back round to face her father, scowling.

"And all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" The bar raised their fingers in the serpent salute while the Twins stood together with their hands by their sides glaring at their father.

Inside the Jones trailer, the three Jone sat together.
Jughead pacing, FP sag down with a bank stare and Aviana with her head in her hands.

"This is a mistake," said Jughead "You can see that right?" Jughead Asked his father "we'd be going in blind, Dad.Will you listen to me for two seconds!" Jughead pulled the papers from the table, wanton more of his fathers attention.

"For all we know, the Ghoulies outnumber us 100 to 1," said Aviana
"Don't you think I know that," Shouted FP kicking the chair and jumping to the twins.
The twins watched as their father yelled in frustration.

"Kids, I've been here a lot longer than you have and we voted. If we're going down we're going down fighting, and as far as being outnumbered, I'll rally the reserves and they'll fight," FP as he left the trailer leaving the twins behind.

"Jughead, what are going to do for fucks sake,"
Ignoring his sister, Jughead stared at the wall that was covered in articles, letters, notes and pictures.

"Go to the Wyrm, Av and stay there,"
"Just go Aviana!" He Shouted

Aviana slipped back on her serpent Jacket and left her brother, heading straight for the bar.

It had been an hour since Aviana left Jughead and she was wondering where he was.

Pulling out her phone as she sat on a bar stool, she opened the tracker app, Jugheads phone was in the middle of the forest next to the docks.

From what she heard from Toni that's where Penny Peabody was, Penny had Jughead or had done something to him.

Aviana panicked, she had to get to her Brother, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

Running out of bar and jumping on her bike she sped, to the location of where his phone was.

Once she got to the docks, no one was there apart from Jugheads bike  and blood on the floor.

"Jughead," she cried.

Without thinking Aviana ran straight into the woods, following the tracker.

There he was, Jugheads all most lifeless body, was laying on the forest floor.

"Jughead, can you hear me?" She said
In reply she got a groan
"Oh my god,"
Aviana tried to pull his body along the floor but it was too much for her.
She fell to the floor once she heard footsteps approaching.

Turning around she realised it was her dad.
"I can't pick him up dad, help me," she cried.
Tears poured down her face as she watched her face carry Jughead through the forest.

Once they got to the clearing she saw, Betty, Archie, Toni, Cheryl,Sweet Pea and the rest of the serpents food waiting.

Sweet Pea rushed forward catching Aviana before she fell.
Aviana gained stabilisation when she heard her fathers bike speed off with Jughead on it.

"Betty," she cried
Aviana and Betty held each other and didn't let go until they got to the hospital.

Next chapter is the last one😓

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