•The Shady Man and Hiram Lodge•

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Aviana had come home just in time for the sit down with Hiram Lodge, She sat down on her spot of the couch between her father and brother. Sat across from here was Hiram Lodge and Veronica Lodge.

She smiled to Veronica as she reached over to take her cup from the table.

"Thank you for agreeing to discuss this misunderstanding," spoke Hiram

"There's no misun-," the twins said but were interrupted by their father.

"There's no misunderstanding here. Tall Boy said you paid him to decapitate Pickens statue,"

"As an excuse to turn up the heat on the serpents," snarled Aviana

"We've got a lot of nervous people scared they'll lose their homes," spoke FP

"I heard about that and though it has nothing to do with me whatsoever. I spoke to Mayor McCoy. And as a gesture of goodwill to the Southside community, id like to settle any back rent you and or your neighbours owe to the town," said Hiram clearly trying his best.

"And what do you want in return?" asked Jughead.

"Peace in the land,"

Their father scoffed, Hiram and Veronica looked pleading at the Jones family as they made up their minds.

"Its a deal," said FP standing up and shaking hands with Hiram, The rest of the room stood with them.

"There's one thing. Mayor McCoy tells me there is some kind of expose your working on Jughead, Aviana? And in exchange for y offer. I'd appreciate is if you kept my name out of it," smiled Hiram " sound fair?"

The twins scoffed, they didn't expect anything less from Hiram fucking Lodge.

"That sounds a lot like a bribe," challenged Aviana getting a snigger from Hiram in response.

"No deal," smiled Jugead, both FP and his daughter laughed.

"See you in the funny pages," smiled FP wrapping both his arms round his children.


Aviana sat in the kitchen of her trailer reading lyrics while her dad sat on the couch when Jughead walked through the door looking dishevelled he proceed to tell them about Alice, Betty and Chic.

Not long after, Alice and Betty both showed up at their door, "FP,"

"Save it Alice. Jughead just told us. All of it," Jughead looked guiltily and Betty and her mother.

"I'm not going to let the three of you make the same mistakes I made with Jason Blossom. Come on," Said FP ushering the Cooper girls in.


FP was digging a hole in the middle of the forest as Aviana stood over him holding a bag of sodium Hydroxide.

The two of them pulled the body into the hole, "Sodium Hydroxide," said FP holding out his hands, Aviana passed her father the bag and once he covered the body she two began to fill in the hole.

Once they ere finished, they made there way to pops where Alice, Betty and Jughead awaited them, nervously waiting.

The five of them sat in a booth, "Its done," said FP sleepily.

"Jeez, Dad, Av you two reek," said Jughead scrunching his nose.

"Its the sodium hydroxide, in a week there will be nothing left," said FP

"I'm going to go home and get a shower," spoke Aviana smiling to the Jones and The coopers and left Pops reeking. She needed to get home.

She hopped on her bike and rode home, only when she got home a large black figure sat on the steps of the trailer. She hesitantly move towards it soon realizing once it noticed her it stood up. It was Sweet Pea. His eyes we blood shot red and he looked like he'd been crying.

"Pea..." she trailed off.

"Are we over. You sure seemed to be having a great time with those other guys. I know we accused you but we've all been through so much, we.. I have trust issues and I love you Avian and I don't want to loose you but I feel like I already have, its been one week and I couldn't handle not talking to you," cried Sweet Pea

All though the only light was the street light she could see the pain in his eyes, " Sweets... I never meant to upset you like this but I needed a break and those guys weren't anything to me like you are," she moved towards him and reached her hands out, he took her hands in his, looking at her, I wanted to talk to you and Toni, Fangs but things have been complicated and I didn't want you involved and with everything happing like Pickens day I wasn't sure you guys wanted me here anymore,"

"We want you Aviana, we all do, all three of us have been like this all week, I love you Aviana but I cant let my self go on like this if you don't feel the same," he cried looking down towards his feet.

"I love you too Sweets and I will for as long as I can," she smiled taking Sweet Peas face in her hands and pressing a kiss to his lips.

The couple held each other for a few minutes but to them it felt like forever.


It had been a few days since the burying of the Shady man and Sweet Pea and Aviana's make up and since then she spoke to her serpent friends individually making their opinions clear, although this disagreement had put a strain on their relationships and friendships, they continued to build their friendships back so they were better than ever.


Wowwww guys.Im so proud of my self on this chapter!!!!!!!!!Hope you guys enjoy xx - Lucy

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