•New Beginings•

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Aviana and Jughead looked upon Southside High, "Are you ready for this?",Jughead asked his sister.

"Well dads in jail, mom and Jellybean aren't here, we are moving in with a foster family and the black hoods killing people so yeah things are great,"Aviana sarcastically smiled at her brother.

The pair walked into the building being greeted by two built body guards and metal detectors.
Aviana went through them without a beep unlike her brother,
"It's the pins in your hat, Jug"
"It's the pins in my hat," he weakly said to the body guard,
"Go again"
Jughead huffed taking his hat off and walking through the machine again.

The two siblings were suddenly stopped by a pink haired girl,
"Forsthye Pedelton Jones III and Aviana Jones!" She spoke while taking a picture of the two.
"Uh.. it's Jughead actually"
"I'm Toni Topaz" she replied
"I was supposed to give you the full animatronic tour of Southside high but some of the robots when insane and started killing the guests, so, we'll just wing it!"

The trio walked down the stairs, the twins listening to Toni's facts about the school.
"The classrooms don't have WiFi, bathrooms stalls don't have doors,"
"What about the school paper?The red and black,"asked Jughead.
"Yeah it no longer exists,Censorship's, Budgets cuts take your pick.

"To your right, you'll see a rare sight of Jingle Jangle being consumed in its natural habitat."
"I'm sorry Jingle Jangle?" questioned Aviana.

"This place is crawling with the JJ, A highly addictive gutter drug. So let's not touch that."
Aviana nodded agreeing.

"Here in the cafetorium, the Ghoulies sit over there, Rival gang, drug dealer and rumours of cannibalism.Dont ask." Veered Toni.
" And we sit over there with serpents"
"Your a serpent?" Questioned Aviana.
"Why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour."

"Actually we're gonna sit alone right Av?"
Aviana looked at her brother confused, 'why weren't we going to sit with them?'
"Wait I'm confused aren't you guys like serpents by blood?The Children of FP Jones?.
"Yeah. So,we well I self identify as a loner, not a pack animal. We are just going to put our heads down and try get through this okay?" Jughead said as he looked over at his sister who stood there nervously.

"Hey you wanna get through this you should hang with the serpents. If the ghoulies get a whiff your alone and vulnerable they'll make you their bitch before you can say American history X." Toni said as she walked away.

Aviana turned to her brother, "She right I've heard about the Ghoulies they can be violent Jughead!"
"Av go sit with the serpents at least I want you to be safe okay?",Jughead said as he looked at his sister.

Aviana watched her brother walk away, she turned on her heals and made her way over to Toni and the rest of the serpents.She tapped Toni on her shoulder
"Hey Toni"
"Aviana, so you decided to hang with the serpents yeah!"
"Yeah," she laughed nervously.
"Well let's introduce you to the rest of us!"

The two girls walked over to the serpents, Avianas eyes landing on a a group of teens all wearing leather jackets.
"Guys this is Aviana Jones"
"Jones's daughter eh?" smirked the tall teen.
"Fangs Fogarty" one of the boys said as he pushed his hand towards me.
Aviana smiled at the peculiar name as she shook his hand.
Another boy who was much taller that the rest held his hand out, "Sweet Pea" Aviana shook his hand a d watched him look up at her while smirking.

Aviana sat with group, making small talk about serpents asking questions here there, she turned around scanning the crowd looking for her twin, spotting him in the corner of the room she felt guilty for leaving him but she knew he wanted her to be safe.

Aviana opened the curtains to the Red and Black, while Toni and Jughead cleared boxes and coughed at so much dust.
"Well it's no New York Times" spoke Jughead.
"But hey kudos on finding your safe space, snowflake,"
"All I need is a photographer with an amazing eye and a hunger for social justice, and I think I'll be set" smiled Jughead.
Before Toni could reply the door swung open making Aviana shudder at the noise, and in walks Sweet Pea and other Serpents.
"Topaz, let's bounce!"
"Jones, wanna come with, going down to the quarry"
"Uh. I don't have my beach bod yet" Jughead smoothly replied.
"What, you'll ask for help from the serpents, but you won't hang with us? Don't come crawling to us hat in hand, when some Ghoulies decides to earn his stripes by taking out the Jones kids."
"Duly noted. Thank you Sweet Pea. I appreciate what you and the serpents have done for me, my sister and my dad. I do.But I'm done okay? No more favours coming your way."

Sweet Pea moved forward at Jughead, making Aviana rise from where she was sat,
"Hey hey, he made up his mind, okay? Take the hint sweet Pea, he's just not that into you" spoke Toni.

Sweet Pea looked over at Aviana, "You coming Princess? Or are you staying too?".
Aviana looked at her brother, he nodded "Yeah I'm coming" she replied.
"Let's motor!" said Toni.

As Aviana walked past Jughead, she hugged him, "I won't be long Juggie, I love you" she smiled.
"I love you too Av" smiled Jughead.

Jughead watched as his sister and  the rest of the teen serpents leave the room, feeling sorry for himself.

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