•Christmas Time, Penny Peabody and The Black Hood•

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Aviana was working a shift at the Wyrm with Toni.
Sweet Pea and Aviana were still not on good terms.

The day was close to Christmas and Aviana wanted to talk to him, she finally got the chance to when he walked through the doors of the White Wyrm with Fangs and two other serpents.

"Sweet Pea, I need to talk to you" she said tapping him on the shoulder.
"Uh not right now Aviana" he said coldly.
"Yes now! Sweets please"

The pair walked out of the doors of the bar and stood outside of the bar.
"I'm sorry Aviana...." he cried
" I shouldn't have assumed you did that! I love you Aviana but I don't deserve you, you are too good for me! You've stuck by me even when I said you cheated!"
"I stuck by you because I love you and I know you!"

Sweet Pea pulled Aviana by the waist and nuzzled his head ink her wreck and mumbled, "I love you".
Aviana smiled, " Hey, Heres your Christmas Present."
Aviana handed a small box that was in her pocket to Sweet Pea.

She watched him unwrap the box and pull out a watch.
"Babe, What the hell?! Thank you" he smiled and kissed her on her forehead.
"Here, this is yours"
Aviana held the box in her hand and started to unwrap it.
She slowly pulled out a silver chain, it was a necklace, with a snake, wrapped around a heart.
She smiled in awe, " sweets.." she mumbled "its beautiful".

The two happy with their gifts and that they'd resolved their issues walked hand in hand into the bar.
Their friends whistled happy the two were once again together.

The Jones family sat in their trailer around the table.
"I was thinking about our Penny Problem," said Jughead.
"My problem, not yours" said FP.
"Well I'm the one she has on camera delivering drugs,"
"How I deal with Peabody is not your concern.Im handling it,"
"By pimping the serpents out as drug runners?"

FP opened the door letting Tall Boy in carrying large bags
"Toss em in the corner"
"What's in the bags Tall Boy? asked Aviana.
"What did I just say to your brother? Both of you mind our damn business.Get to school"

The twins glared at their dad, picking up their bags and leaving the trailer.

The twins arrived at their old school since their Northside friends were doing secret Santa which Aviana didn't take part off because she was the odd one out.

"Veronica your turn," said Kevin
"Oh a gift certificate or a couples massage" said Veronica rather awkwardly.
Aviana looked towards her brother in confusion, she had heard about Betty and Jughead but not A and V.
"They kind of broke up," whispered Jughead.
"Thanks Josie"
"You can go with Betty" offered Josie.
"Or your mom".
"Or I can go with your mom," said Reggie making Aviana scoff and roll her eyes.
"Dear god can we get this torture over with," moaned Cheryl.
Aviana laughed and put her hand on Cheryl's shoulder and chuckled more.
"Betty your next, and mercifully last," smiled Kevin.
"Well I think I like who picked m name based on these wrapping skills," she laughed looking over at Archie.
"My dad and I were clearing out the garage, and I found it," he smiled.
"Swiss family Robison" Questioned Veronica.

Before the Aviana could get any more bored, she nudged Jughead and moved her dad near the door.

Aviana hugged Cheryl and waved to the rest of the group leaving them behind while they headed to Southside high.

It was half day since it was the last day before Christmas so the serpents were at the Wyrm.

"What is all this?" Asked the Twins and they watched the round serpents wrapping presents.

"It's serpent tradition.Every year we give back to the Southside, toys for tots, Meal in wheals, kids and old folks who live alone." smiled Toni
"The hells angels do it," said Fangs as he wrapped up a toy.

"I'm all up for help the less fortunate," smiled Aviana as she moved towards the unwrapped presents and Toni, Fangs.

"I'm always down for charitable works.
Hey, have you seen our dad?" Asked Jughead.

Just like clock work, their father bangs down the stairs walking towards the twins.
"Why aren't you two in school?"
"It's a half day before break," said Aviana
"Well I'm the case, you can hold down the fort here, Jug, Av,"
Aviana nodded her head not having a problem with it unlike her brother
"Or I could come with you guys,"
"Nice try.The answers no."
"We do need another set of hands, boss," suggested Tall Boy.
"There you go, let me pull my weight, Dad,"
FP shot Tall Boy a look making him walk away, " I don't know what the snake charmer has you doing..,"
"Sweet Pea, your with us!" Exclaimed FP.
Aviana looked up from wrapping presents when she heard her boyfriends name, she watched him jump from his seat and smirk at her brother.

Jughead looked shocked at his father , that he'd choose his sisters boyfriend over him.

Jughead and Aviana sat in their trailer staring at the big black carrier bags on their coffee table.

The door opened and in walked their dad in his serpent Jacket.
He had noticed the bags and eyes the siblings.
"Did you open them?"
"No out of respect of you, Dad," Spoke Aviana
"But your parole Office, Mr.Walsh sure was curious," said Jughead.
Walsh was here?" asked FP taking off his jacket.
"Yeah, But don't worry I got rid of him, but he has already heard that the serpents have moved into narco territory," said Jughead.

FP moves towards the bags and unzip them ad the twins looked over at them peering inside, presents, the bags were filled to the brim with presents.
"Ta da,"
"Gift boxes?With drugs in them?" Asked Jughead
Aviana shook her head , over her brothers obsession with Penny.
"No with gifts in them, for you two, your mom, Jellybean. Christmas Day I thought we all could take a ride down to Toledo and deliver them in person."
"Dad, this isn't going to work. Today's it's gifts, tomorrow it's drugs or weapons or gods knows what!" Exclaimed Jughead
"Give it a rest Jughead! Dads trying to be nice and all your doing is pushing it away!" Shouted Aviana.
She looked towards her father as he pulled her in by her shoulders and hugged her.
FP huffed and threw his arms up, "How long is this going to go on, Dad?"
"However long Penny wants!"
"And if her favours keep getting bigger, which you know that they will what happens when she needs more serpents in on this!"
"Well then I'll get more serpents!" Shouted FP , making Avianas head move at the sound.
"You know what?You're right.This isn't going to work us living together, more so you, Jughead!So maybe you can go back to Fred's or to Betty's!"
"Betty?I spilt with Betty to.."
"Well then what do you want me to say?"
"I just want you to let me help fix this mess I made?" argued Jughead.
"Get this through your thick skull Jughead.We are trapped! I'm lucky your sister isn't involved and she never will be! We've got no leverage!If that means I e got to be Penny's dancing monkey for the time being then that's how it's goes!"
The two Jones men stared at one another, "I'm going to get some rest. I've got a long night ahead of me."

"I'm going out, to Toni's," said Aviana speeding off towards the door not wanting to talk to her brother.

Aviana arrived at Toni and once Toni was in arms reach, Aviana cried into her shoulder.

Aviana knowing full well her brother gathered the young serpents to hurt Penny sat in the White Wyrm alone waiting for Toni to get back, who told her about the meeting.

Her anger was so built up inside of her, about her brother not leaving Penny alone she needed a release.

She walked up to the office in the bar, which was her fathers and took out her phone started recording, Aviana wanted to sing, she hadn't since her fathers arrest,

She began to sing, a song she wrote her self, 'obsessed'"
She finished singing feeling very relaxed, she slowly began to fall asleep on the couch in the office.

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