8: Trapped

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Hello lovelies!

So I just wanted to ask, how many times a day do you fangirl about the boys?

I find that I am increasing my fangirl quota by the day. I think I'm fangirling like ten times a day with the action being a little suppressed squeal. Do I need intervention? Sounds like I'm at risk for heart failure :P

Well if you like my story please drop a comment or vote!

Once again.... Team Niall or Team Harry?

You can follow me in twitter at @brilliant_liam or on instagram at @1direction_connection

Thanks everyone! And if you want me to fan you back just drop a comment using the word of the day..... Pussy magnet.

Oh and I realized that I have a special skill. I can quote the entire 18minutes of the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction.


8: Trapped


"Shoo Niall! You too Harry. Go get nice clothes quickly!" I try to straighten the back of my dress after Niall messed it up with his hug. I get that the likes attention and hugs. It's so cute.

I guess Harry is getting better at not pissing me off. I guess the whole "treat people like you want to be treated" isn't bullshit after all. When I'm nice to him he's nice to me.

He said that I look beautiful. He's just a perv that doesn't mean anything coming from him. He is known for thinking that every girl is beautiful. He had to blurt out that comment out of instinct. Apparently the One Direction management taught them well.

I just catch a glimpse of my twitter so see that my thousand followers has spiked to twenty thousand overnight.


You should all follow Harry's official bird Lara Croft. She's @Lara_Raider

I never even gave Niall my twitter. I guess I was too easy to find. Damn, that tweet was just two minutes ago. Right as he was walking out the door to go change. Niall!

After five minutes of solid responding to a fanbase of thousands, Niall and Harry finally knock on the door ready to go. I grab my white shoulder bag to match and go out.

"Niall why did you tweet me?" I close the door behind me and start to saunter towards the lift. "Eh management wants people to know you. You can't hide in the shadows when you are with us." But I'm so good at hiding in the shadows. Fading into the background as nothing special is one of my hobbies.

Niall and Harry stand in casual formal dress and resemble Burberry or Abercrombie and Fitch models. Niall stands in slacks and a sweater. He holds a SnapBack in his hand and tries to slip it on but I snatch it back and put it in my bag.

Harry stands in a blue and red blazer with khakis. Our eyes catch and I drop the gaze quickly. I can tell that he still is staring but I choose to ignore it. He rubs his neck in frustration.

I constantly feel the need to shift my dress as we walk to the MGM. Either it's too low at my chest or too high at my bum. I can never win. At least the tight help to keep the bum part from getting any higher because the boys are walking right behind me. I stand taller than Niall in my two inch heels. He is a leprechaun after all. Harry and I are just the same height.

Kat helped me to make every one of my outfits down to the very last detail. For this outfit it's the white, gold and silver beaded bracelet on my tanned left wrist that she had to make me wear to "complete it".

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