Ch. 44

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Fowler left an hour or so later, leaving Ratchet with a list and a lot to think about. The medic waited until the elevator closed, concealing the agent, before he sighed loudly and heavily, and closed the list he had made on the monitor. His optics found Jennie's sleeping form; she was in a position that looked incredibly uncomfortable, but seemed perfectly content. He wouldn't wake her... They'd talk in the morning.

Distractedly, Ratchet turned off the monitor, and retired to his room. It was earlier than he normally would, but he found no need to stay up any later. It took a long time for him to reach recharge, he simply couldn't clear his processor enough to reach that relaxed state. Instead, he stared at the ceiling, continuing to turn things over in his head and consider everything Fowler had left him with. Jennie wasn't going to like it at all, and admittedly, he didn't either, but the points Fowler had made were too strong to argue with.

He'd also have to speak with Optimus, who also might be wary. Ratchet would love for Optimus to argue against it, and use his reasoning skills to convince Fowler otherwise, but even he would have to agree. This was the best option.

He wasn't looking forward to arguing with Jennie the next day.

Locks of white hair were sticking out in every direction when Jennie woke, partially covering her face. She squinted for a moment, before lazily shoving the hair back. Hair was a pain, even when it was short. One hand drifted to the floor to feel around for her hairbrush, groaning quietly when she couldn't find it. Slowly, she sat up, looking around with tired eyes, before her gaze came to a halt on two figures quietly talking at the far end of the room. Jennie watched Ratchet and Optimus for a moment, confused at the agitated look on Ratchet's face. Neither of them looked very happy.

Her hand found her hairbrush and she quickly smoothed out her untameable mane, before she stood up, throwing the blankets aside.

The movement caught Ratchet's optic, and their discussion ended abruptly. "Jennie," he greeted, "did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, had a dream about marshmallows." She said with a tired grin. "What about you?"

Optimus gave Ratchet a quick nod and walked off, leaving her guardian to converse. "Fine." He approached, sighing. "Grab something for breakfast, we're going on a drive."

That set some alarms off. What was wrong? "Alrighty." She grabbed a hoodie and a small package of poptarts, not bothering to change out of her pajamas. "Is something wrong?" She asked as she made her way down the stairs.

"We'll see." Ratchet muttered. Jennie raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to transform.

When he did, she slipped in and relaxed in the driver's seat, nibbling on her poptart quietly. They left the base in troubled silence, and it lasted until they entered Jasper.

"So, you wanna tell me what's going on?" Jennie asked in a quiet voice.

"I will." Her guardian answered dismissively. "Did you sleep well?"

"You already asked me that."

Ratchet huffed. "Right, right, dream about a marshmallow. Right." He turned a corner with a long sigh. "You ate, correct?"

"Yeah, cinnamon poptart." Jennie slumped in the seat and stared suspiciously at the wheel. "You're distracted. Something's up. Why don't you tell me?"

"A few more minutes, Jennie..."

They continued the drive in silence, and Jennie moved her attention to where they were going. She had never been to this part of Jasper before, it was incredibly out of the way, and was far from her previous home, which was what she immediately noticed. Leaning against the window, she stared suspiciously at their surroundings. There were less houses out here, and the number was thinning out the further they went. Finally, they came to a gate, sealing off a driveway.

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