Ch. 40

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Ugh, everything hurts...

What the frag happened?

I feel dead...

No, I'm in too much pain to be dead.

Unless this is eternal suffering.

That feels about right.

There was fuzzy noise, distorted, distant. Impossible to understand. There was just darkness...

What happened?

Ratchet had to dig deep to remember. It felt so long ago...

They had escaped M.E.C.H.'s headquarters. He remembered leaving the building with his comrades. But how far did they get?

Silas. He's what happened. The collar...

His aching suggested electrocution.

How had he survived it?

Nothing short of a miracle.

So what was happening now... Had the Autobots managed to get him back to base? Was he safe? Or did he remain a captive of M.E.C.H.?

Thinking hurt his processor. Pain medication sounded great. Too bad he was so far out of it to reach some.

Ratchet was unconscious. He was aware of that. There seemed to be a wall in the way of him waking. He could pound on it all day and not make a dent. Waking would have to happen gradually. He wondered how long it had been, how many days had passed. What was happening in his absence? What was Jennie doing?

Probably worrying. She had to be fretting madly. Ratchet didn't like keeping her waiting like this. The sooner he got back, the better. He had give it time. He'd wake in time.

Ugh, if only he could stop these aches. He could feel a limb cramping, he wasn't sure which one, but it was begging to be shifted to a more comfortable position and stretch out. Primus, did any of the Autobots think about pain reducers while he was in this state? The lack of medical education was pathetic. A warrior should know of the basics at the very least. For Primus' sake, he was electrocuted, give him something.

Waiting like this was awful.

But it would be worth it. Seeing Jennie again would be worth the wait. She probably missed him like mad. He missed her. Conversing and debating and ranting with the human girl were quite stimulating. Ratchet never really thought that they would bond like this. Who would've thought?

Ratchet understood Bumblebee, Arcee and Bulkhead now.

And Optimus.

It all made sense now, the bonds they had with the children.

He couldn't help but think that he was significantly closer to Jennie than the others were with their own humans. After what they had been through and how they had grown... They were nothing short of family.

Ratchet was ready to wake up and see her. His body wasn't, however. He still needed to recover.

Waiting was frustrating.

At least he had prevented M.E.C.H. from possessing a functional groundbridge. He had made sure of that. They did possess more knowledge on biology, however.

There was still stinging in his side from where they had attempted to cut out his T-Cog.

Humans were such pesky creatures. Ratchet much wished that he could be back on a functional Cybertron, where the only human there could be his charge. Of course, that would never happen. It didn't hurt to imagine, however. Or, it did. Imagining something that you want so dearly but is unattainable is hurtful. It reminds you of what you can't have.

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