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The Monday following was slow and cold in the base, early in the morning when Jennie got ready for school and Ratchet transformed and started his heater so his vehicle mode would be warm for her when she was ready. And once she was, they left for Jasper, stopping to get her breakfast before reaching the school. And then they were in front of said school, it was a few minutes before the bell rang. Jennie opened the door and stepped out with a bored sigh. "I'll see you later, Ratch." She smiled at the dashboard, pulling her backpack out and lifting a strap over her shoulder.

"Pay attention. If you get a 'B' or higher on the test today, I'll take you to the beach on Friday." Ratchet replied, chuckling in amusement when she lit up and nodded happily.

"Your the best, Ratch! Bye!" She turned and walked away, waving enthusiastically and ran up the front steps; Ratchet closed the door and watched her enter the building, before driving off, now stopping at a grocery store to pick up some of the 'donuts' Jennie liked so much... It would make her happy. And she was so entertaining when she was surprised. And he liked spoiling her... Was this wrong? He huffed in thought, leaving the parking lot of the grocery store and heading back towards base. Either way, at Least Jennie was happy.

"Soundwave, what is it?" An unpleasant mumble escaped Starscream as the silent mech's presence behind him suddenly became clear. He turned a little to look at him. Soundwave's visor lit up a little, and a recording played quietly, "Hey Jen, when are you gonna get my spare clothes back? I need a couple pairs of those jeans and a shirt for some stuff I have planned for these week... Bulk and I are going dune bashing, and to a rock concert!"

"I'll get them to you after school, after Ratchet drops me off. He's been complaining about me wearing them without washing them for the past week... You still have some I can wear, right?"

"Aw, Ratchet complains about everything, man. Yeah, I got some more clothes you can use. Seriously though, you've got to get Ratch to take you clothes shopping, dude, my rock band shirts don't suit you."

"Haha, okay, Miko. I'll ask him. I need to go now, class is starting. See you after school."

"You wish, see you after detention."

Soundwave stopped the recording and his visor dimmed back to normal. Starscream stared. "Autobot pets. We already knew about them. What's new?" He muttered. Another recording came to answer him, in Megatron's firm voice, "We caught this conversation via telephone when we were scanning for Autobot communications. If two of the humans the Autobots have taken in go to this establishment, we are most likely going to find the others there too. They possess the bargaining power we could use to get ahead in the war. We'll be tracking them down immediately." Starscream listened, before turning away and sighing, straightening up. "Alright. What does he nee-" He stopped when he realized Soundwave was already walking away. An agitated sigh left him, and he turned back around and followed the silent mech grumpily, and they headed back to the control room, where Megatron was most likely strategizing for the operation.

This would be fun.

"Put the donut back."


"Put it back."

Agent Fowler sighed in defeat and dropped the donut back into the package, rolling his eyes. "Fine, fine. Didn't know bots like sugar." Ratchet watched him, unamused.

"Those are for Jennie." His gaze lingered on Fowler for a moment longer before going back to the screen. "And cybertronians have never been exposed to what you humans call 'sugar'."

Fowler shook his head and walked towards the stairs. "Alright, Ratchet." He muttered. "Where's Optimus? I wanna talk about some recent events."

"Recent events?"

"Bulkhead has been a little reckless with his cover lately, probably Miko's influence. I want to make sure Optimus says something to him."

Ratchet nodded, rolling his optics. "Sounds reasonable." He went to typing, but almost immediately, he was interrupted as he received a call over the com link. He stopped at the sound of Raf's voice.

"Ratchet, the Deceptions came to our school!"

He stiffened, breath catching in horror. "Are you alright? Where are the others?"

"I'm okay...Jack's class was on a field trip, and my class was the first to get evacuated... But we haven't seen Jennie or Miko. The 'cons just came in and started tearing the place apart, and removing the roofs... The police are still pulling people out of the rubble, Jennie and Miko could be there." Raf ended hopefully.

Ratchet stared into space with a horrified look, holding his breath, taken back.


"I'm sending Bumblebee to come pick you up, now. Call your parents and tell them your alright... and if you hear from Jennie and Miko, call me immediately." Ratchet replied after a few moments, finally breathing and rubbing his temple. "

"Okay..." Raf hung up.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called the moment he was off, turning and facing the hall. Optimus came out not long after, followed by Fowler. "The Deceptions were at the school, Jack and Raf are safe, but they don't know where Miko and Jennie are." He explained, his voice shaking a little and his frame tense. "Bumblebee," he looked over a the scout, who had come out upon hearing Ratchet yell. "You need to go pick up Jack and Raf now." Optimus set his jaw and inhaled deeply.

"Agent Fowler, come with me. If Jennie and Miko are still at the school, I need you to help me find them." He ordered, already heading towards the door. "Bumblebee, Ratchet's right. You need to get Jack and Raf to safety. And Ratchet," he stopped before transforming, looking at the medic, who looked absolutely stricken. "If Jennie is able to, you're the first one she'll call. Wait and see." Optimus blinked empathetically, before transforming beside Bumblebee, and driving off once Agent Fowler was inside.

Ratchet watched, sighing. This was much scarier than the incident with Jason... He felt so trapped, unable to protect her... When it was Jason, he could reach her and get her out easily... But this was Megatron. He couldn't get to her... If she was with Megatron. Perhaps she was trapped in the rubble... she could be in peril there too... Ugh, there was no bright side to look on... "Damn you, Megatron." He growled, shaking his helm and walking back over to the monitors.

"Damn you."

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