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"Ratchet, in the event where anything like this happens again, I want to know immediately. Engaging on your own was dangerous, for you, and for Jennie. Multiple humans were harmed, which could have been avoided." Ratchet silently took the lecture, but slowly lost himself in thought as the Prime continued. Optimus meant well, and he knew that... Admittedly, Ratchet hadn't considered getting the other Autobots involved. But that could have been dangerous- if all of them had charged into that house, Jason would've panicked, fled and/or killed Jennie. And Ratchet had been in a huge hurry when he was at base repairing his holoform, and didn't have time to explain and come up with a plan. He had done everything in his power...

Excluding what he could've done, if he had transformed and blown his cover.

"From now on, if there are any threats to your charge, you are to tell me immediately. Am I clear?" Optimus asked sternly. Ratchet nodded immediately.

"Yes, Optimus... I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He apologized, dipping his helm respectfully. Optimus nodded, his gaze shifting to Jennie who was standing at the railing beside Ratchet, optics narrowing in thought. Her wounds needed to be treated... she truly looked like she'd been through a lot.

"Call Nurse Darby," he said to Ratchet. "Jennie needs to be treated."

Jennie chose to speak up at that point. "But... Can't Ratchet just do that? He's a doctor, isn't he?" She asked, gesturing to her guardian, wincing slightly at the movement. Ratchet sent her a warning look.

"Jennie, please sit down..." He urged softly, as he felt Optimus's gaze fall upon him. "I'm calling June."

"What if I want you to treat me?"

Please be quiet... Ratchet bit his lower lip, but slowly glanced at Optimus hopefully. The Prime stared at him, deep in thought. "You prefer him over a nurse?" He asked Jennie after a moment. Ratchet's charge nodded immediately. "Very well, if that's what you are comfortable with. Ratchet, you may tend to her." Optimus agreed after a moment of thought, before walking away. Jennie beamed at Ratchet, who stared after his leader, sighing heavily. Optimus was not happy about the day's events... or how they were handled.

"Well, Doc? You gonna treat your patient?" Jennie asked with a big smile, tilting her head. Ratchet looked at her.

"Don't call me Doc," he said quietly, offering a servo next to the railing for her to step onto. Jennie climbed on, letting her guardian carry her over to the med bay, where he set her down on the berth and fetched a small box from next to the couch on the platform, which held emergency medical supplies that June Darby had given the kids, fearing any injuries they might acquire being around the Autobots. The first aid kit had supplies to clean the wounds and prevent infection, and last time he checked, there were supplies to give stitches as well. Ratchet set the box beside Jennie, and stepped back before transforming into his vehicle mode. His holoform stepped out, still flickering a bit, and climbed up to the berth (somehow) and walked over to Jennie. "Let's get you fixed up." He knelt down and pulled the first aid kit out of the box. Jennie sat down next to him.

"Why don't you like being called 'Doc'?" She asked curiously.

Ratchet glanced up at her. "I find it obnoxious and annoying... Never been fond of it." He replied, before pulling out a few bandages, cleaning wipes and ointments. He started with her arms, cleaning the cuts, applying anti-infectants, and bandaging them, then continued to her legs, stitching the bigger cuts that needed it, and finishing up with her face. It took about twenty minutes in all, before be finished completely and put all the supplies back in the box. Jennie had laid still for the whole thing, watching quietly. "Alright, your all done. There should be ibuprofen in the box too, if your in a lot of pain feel free to take some." Ratchet looked at her. "Are you alright?"

Jennie nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Thanks, Ratch. Your the best." She stood up, wincing slightly as an ache coursed through her.

"I try." He smiled back and stood up beside her, watching carefully as she moved. "Don't strain yourself, Jennie." He chastised softly, taking a step towards her.

"Psshh, I've got this," she waved a hand dismissively, and sending him a confident wink. Ratchet raised an eyebrow, a sigh escaping him. His charge stuck her tongue out of him, before slowly striding towards the edge of the med bay, her gaze locking onto the couch in front of the TV, up on the platform. Relaxing on a couch sounded great right now. As Jennie reached the edge of the berth, a reminder of her size came to mind, and she realized she couldn't get down without Ratchet's help. She looked back at him, but his holoform had already vanished, and his vehicular mode roared to life and transformed. "Always one step ahead of me." She grinned at him, as he walked over and opened a servo in front of her. Ratchet smiled.

"Of course." He replied, watching her carefully step into his servo, before walking over to the railing and letting her hop off his servo beside the couch.

"Thanks!" She said as she sat down on the couch, leaning back and sighing quietly. "Your the best, Ratch."

Ratchet rested his arm on the side of the platform, letting a small chuckle escape him. "I try." He tilted his helm slightly. "You're alright?"

"You bet, Doc."

He opened his mouth to scold her, but  after watching her for a moment more, let it go and left the platform, striding over to the monitors. "If you need anything, I'll be right here." Jennie stared after him, slightly surprised, before nodding and turning on the TV. It wasn't long after before Ratchet heard a series of screams coming from the TV, and his attention drifted back over to Jennie, who was now wrapped in a blanket, wide eyes on the screen, which portrayed a very graphic scene of humans and undead- or zombies, as most humans would put it- in a nasty little mix. Another scream pierced the air, as a random human was struck down by one of the deranged beasts, and Ratchet gave a small grumble. "Jennie, could you lower the volume?" He asked, raising his voice over a horrific choir of zombie snarls and groans.

"Yeah." She picked up the remote and clicked a button, and the screaming slowly faded until at a tolerable level. Ratchet turned his attention back to the monitors, and began typing. Perhaps he could find a fresh energon source that the Decepticons hadn't reached yet, if he searched well enough. "You should come watch this with me." Jennie spoke up again."

"I'm busy."

"Too busy to pay attention to your human?"

Ratchet huffed in agitation. "You've been the center of my attention for the past while. And even when you weren't, you still were a great deal of it. An hour or two won't kill you." He couldn't help a small look of amusement as Jennie let loose a loud whine of complaint. "Let me get some work done, alright?" His gaze shifted again over to her. Jennie sighed but nodded, smiling.



"It's a pretty good zombie movie though."

Ratchet rolled his optics. "I'm sure it is, Jennie."

Transformers Prime: Result of ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now