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A small hand touched Ratchet's cheek that morning, making him stir slightly, but not wake. Jennie stood next to his helm, observing his face, a small smile on her lips. "Ratch...?" She asked softly, tilting her head a little when he woke with a small huff. His optics opened and focused on her, with a hint of surprise. "Good morning!" Jennie said cheerfully, backing up so he could move without crushing her. That wouldn't be fun. Ratchet sat up, yawning and stretching.

"Good morning," he answered with a nod, "What time is it?"

"Dunno. But," her gaze lightened, an excited look coming to her face. "If you really, really, wanna be a good guardian, you can take me out for breakfast..." She batted her eyelashes, grinning up at him. "Pretty please?"

Ratchet rolled his optics. "Ugh..." He groaned, throwing the blanket off of himself. "Fine, fine. I'll take you out." He agreed once he stood. This drew a squeal of happiness from Jennie, who was now at the edge of the berth, looking for a way down. Her guardian smiled and picked her up, while warning, "don't try and climb down, you'll fall." She waved a hand dismissively, but sat in his servo happily. They left his berthroom, and traveled down the hall; the others appeared to still be in their own quarters. Ratchet glanced at a digital clock near his monitor; 5:30. His charge had gotten him up early.

"Gee, it felt like nine or something," Jennie said innocently, shrugging. "I just woke you up when I woke up." She looked up at him, smiling. "Maybe we can go through a twenty four hour drive through or something." Her guardian nodded, already heading to the exit and preparing to transform.

"We'll get whatever you want. I still have money."

She tilted her head. "Where'd you get that money anyway? No offense, but your a giant robot. There are no paying jobs that'll hire a giant robot." Ratchet transformed, Jennie landing in the passenger seat, before he answered.

"I had to drive the kids somewhere a while back, and they needed money to get into where they were going, so Miko put it in the glove box for safe keeping. Then the trip was cancelled, and I ended up with the money." He explained, starting his engines. "It wasn't MY choice to drive the kids, but everyone else had to go on a mission, and the only one left in the base was Arcee, and her vehicular mode couldn't fit three people and their luggage." Jennie nodded.

Ratchet left the base and pulled onto the road, picking up speed and heading for Jasper. The sky was still dark, but was lighter than it would be at night; he held a slight uneasiness, given the last time he drove her somewhere in the dark, he'd been abducted by Decepticons. A replay of those horrors was the last thing he wanted. Jennie stirred him from his thoughts by tapping a finger on the dashboard.

"Hey Ratch... so... since I've been at the base, I haven't been going to school... do I need to pick that back up?" She asked curiously.

Ratchet nearly slammed the breaks and yelled at her, having completely forgotten she hadn't attended school since she'd met him. Instead, he scolded sternly, "Jennie, you should've mentioned this a long time ago! Of course you need to pick it back up! An education is substantial for you! Without it you'll never get a proper paying job and you'll be unable to support yourself. Today I'm taking you to your school, and your going to talk to the teachers and pick up where you left off." He growled. "Scrap, I had completely forgotten!"

"Okay, okay," Jennie rolled her eyes, "I'll talk to them... ugh, I hate school." She stopped and thought for a moment, before suddenly becoming rather excited. "But it'll be better than before! I'll actually get things done, and I'll have you to help me... with my dad, I failed miserably. He never cared enough to help. But I know you do!" She beamed happily. "This is gonna be so much better!"

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