Ch. 12

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Ratchet tore down the streets, at least twenty miles over the speed limit, swerving around other vehicles dangerously. He didn't care about the rules of the road at the moment; why would he when there's a life in danger? And that life was his charge. He had a job to protect her. Agent Fowler had followed the signal, but stopped responding to Ratchet's coms with his hidden earpiece. It frightened Ratchet. He needed to hurry. Frag, he was so close... So close to beating the scrap out of those hellspawn men. He accelerated more when he came to be a few blocks from the house, and pulled in front of it soon after, slamming on the breaks and activating his holoform. It appeared after a few tries, given it had been damaged and he didn't have the chance to repair it fully. It flickered a bit, but it would hold... so long as he wasn't shot again. His holoform leapt out of his vehicle mode and raced up to the door. He entered without consideration, swinging the door open (which apparently wasn't locked) and stepped inside to find a horrified looking gang member.

"What the hell!?" The man cursed in surprise, taking a step back, eyes widening. "Wait... y-you got shot! You were dead!" He reached into his back pocket slowly, face becoming pale.

Ratchet calmly closed the door. It clicked shut, before he locked it, and turned back to face the man. "I'd appreciate if this went easily, as will you." He said softly, but with a firm tone. He slipped one hand into the opposite sleeve of his coat, and pulled out a small handgun, which was provided by his holoform for defense.

The man in turn pulled out one of his own from his back pocket, gripping it in shaking hands as he pointed it at Ratchet. "Put it down...!"

"I don't take kindly to the fact that you've kidnapped my charge." Ratchet lifted the gun and pointed it, hand steady. "But my anger is not pointed at you. Where is Jason?" He sighed when the man immediately shook his head and clicked the gun into gear. "Very well..." Ratchet aimed and fired. The bullet hit right at the handle of the man's gun, catching his hand and causing him to cry out and drop the gun.

"AAAH!" The man clutched his bleeding hand and backed away, before shouting, "Jason! I need help!" Ratchet pulled another set of bullets out of one of his pockets and held it in the other hand, preparing to reload if he needed to. It was about five seconds later when Jason came into the room.

He saw Ratchet and froze, eyes narrowing. "I... shot you..." He said after a couple seconds in disbelief.

"And you've also managed to anger me beyond comprehension." Ratchet hissed, clicked the gun into gear and said evenly. "Where's Jennie?"

"What concern is my daughter to you?" Jason hissed. "She's MY daughter. You kidnapped her from me, remember? You better get outta here, before I call the cops." He grinned.

"That wouldn't be wise. I know what you've done to her. Abuse is a serious crime, Jason." Ratchet narrowed his eyes and growled. "Now, I'm going to ask again. Where, is, Jennie?" His finger tightened on the trigger, as Jason laughed in response.

"What are you going to do, SHOOT me?" He sneered.

It only took a moment for Ratchet to respond, "Yes," before he fired the gun into Jason's hip, avoiding killing him, despite how tempting that was. Jason shouted in pain and hunched over, holding his hip with both hands and gasping in pain and shock.

"Y-Your insane...!" He exclaimed, stumbling a bit, trying to regain his posture. Ratchet sighed heavily.

"You should never have messed with me." He shook his head, slowly walking towards them, his focus on the hallway to Jason's right. "Jennie doesn't deserve the harsh treatment you've given her." Jason struggled to stand straight, before lunging at him weakly. Ratchet sidestepped and jabbed him in the middle of his back with his elbow, sending him onto the floor. The first man stayed back, still looking terrified. "Stay there, and you won't get shot again." Ratchet said firmly. He nodded. After sending one last look at Jason, Ratchet turned and strode down the hall, inhaling deeply, narrowing his eyes. He had hoped he wouldn't have had to do anything like that, given it was against Autobot code. But, he'd go the length. Jennie needed him.

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