007: United Nations Week

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Chapter 7: United Nations Week

It's been a week since the students from Seoul Women's Academy transferred to its twin school. And somehow, most of them have adjusted with the atmosphere with the boys and all.

"Everyone," Suho, who's at the front, tried to attract everyone's attention, but no one seems to listen to him. "Hey kids!" Now most of the class were listening to him, except for Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "Baekyeol!!" Suho shouted at the two-making them face Suho with a blunt face.

"Hahahaha!!" Everyone laughs at the two, and also teased them.

"Ya~ JUNMYEON-nie, why do you have to call us that?" Baekhyun emphasized Suho's real name to get revenge. However, no one laughed with his joke except for Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Everyone stared at them, and they both just said, "Kkaebsong."

Suho grinned, and continued on what he was saying, "This week will be a busy week since it will be United Nations."

"D.O," everyone started to call D.O, the girls has no clue why are they calling out D.O's name.

"Ya!" Suho once again slammed the board to catch everyone's attention. "So, as we all know, by the end of the week it's all about the Kitchen Battle."

Everyone felt the excitement already even by just Suho's announcement since there's another event at their school, and furthermore, they're with their new classmates.

"But before we choose the 5 chefs who'll cook, let's assign first who'll compete for slogan-making, poster-making, and essay. And there's also a new segment for our usual United Nations week." Suho seems to wait for a question 'what', but it's more like that they are waiting for Suho to spill the new segment of the competition. "Since we have girls as our new classmates... the faculty decided to have a pageant-which will be the new main event of the week. "





"And of course, the rest will be assigned to build the booths," Suho added. "And the country we are going to represent is the Philippines," Suho folded the paper he was reading and faced his classmates.

"Uhh... I don't really have any idea what's in the Philippines," D.O said.

"One thing's for sure," Kris said, "It's really hot there." And he rolled his eyes.

"But it's a beautiful country," Jiyeon shared.

"Have you been there?" Chen asked Jiyeon.

"Yep. People there are nice, not cold and rude," Jiyeon emphasized to make Luhan hear her statement. And people get what Jiyeon was trying to say, and they just chuckled.

"Have you been to Bora-bora?" Chanyeol excitedly asked.

Jiyeon's eyes sparkled when she heard the name, "YES! I've been there. Have you? It's so pretty, isn't it?"

"Waa~ That's daebak, I've been wanting to go-" Chanyeol was cut when Sehun speak.

"Ya Ya Ya~ Will you stop talking? And don't talk about Boracay in front of us," Sehun said, obviously jealous of Jiyeon who's been there.

"So, shall we have an elimination to slogan, poster-making and essay?" Suho suggested.

"No~ it will be a waste of time," Kai said as he leans his back to his chair with depression.

Suho faced the girls and said, "Do you agree with that?" All of them nod. "Ok, so let's just choose the best among these segments."

Suho took the whiteboard marker and wrote the word 'slogan-making'. "So, who wants to volunteer to do the slogan-making contest?"

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