chapter one

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I didn't want to adopt a child, but one look at Steve's puppy dog eyes and I cracked.

The adoption center was filled with dozens of little ones, abandoned by their families. I didn't know how we could possibly chose one, until I saw Peter. While all the kids were sound asleep in their cribs, Peter was trying to climb out of his. Reminded me of a young me.

I walked over to the crib, and picked up the sweet little boy. "He's perfect," whispered Steve.

"Hey, Pete. I'm your new dad."


We may have been super heroes, but parenting was a whole other game. Peter was now fifteen, and I never imagined having a teenager would be so...complicated.

"Steve, have you seen Peter? He should be back from school by now." Tony, your mama bear's showing.

"Haven't seen him." Tony pulled at his phone, frantically typing. "What are you doing?"

"Texting Happy. I'm sending him out to find Pete." I cupped his face in my hands. "Honey, don't you think you're overreacting a bit? He's not a little kid anymore. He can take care of himself."

"But what if he gets into trouble."

"Tony, what's the worst that could happen?"


You don't know what it's like when your dads are Iron Man and Captain America. I knew I would never be as great as them.

A few months ago, things began to change. I could run fast, and hear things I shouldn't be able to hear. It was like my senses were dialed to an eleven. I felt like this was my chance to change the world. So, everyday after school, I would put on a little suit I had made and helped fight crime.

Of course, the "crime" wasn't really crime. It was more like, helping old ladies cross the street, and helping a little kid find his lost bike. But at least I was doing something. Looking out for the little guy.

I was sitting onto of a building eating a churro, when I got a call from Happy.

"Peter, your dad is worried sick. Where are you?" The same thing happened everyday. Dad would worry, and Pops would calm him down.

"I'm at debate club, don't worry," I lied, "I'm on my way."

hey guysss btw dad is tony and pops in steve :))

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