The Undergrad [WATTY AWARDS]

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Author: monopanda

Username: @monopanda

Why your book deserves to be read?: Because it has a plot that differs from your usual cliche ones of assassins and secret agents:)

What do you like about your book?: Its twists and story line:)

What will others like about your book?: same that attracted me to it:)

Genre: Action, Romance, Humor, Watty 2012

Inspiration for your book: She got fed up of too many action romances that forgot about where the story was going. This one is one of the rares that focuses on the story line:)

Link to story:

Book description (Blurb): For confidential purposes she was given the name Robyn. A fresh nursing graduate, quite the liar and an average student; she wasn’t much of a social butterfly. Making her the perfect diversion.

With nothing but a few pencils, a wallet and a new iPad to fill her new Louis Vuitton bag she steps out of her examination room with the contents of her bag entirely different, consisting of a state-of-the-art tablet with a ‘virused’ software and a handgun. To top it off, the institution she was in on that day entered a lock down, trapping her in to witness massive bloodbath and dangerous Intel that can either deem her a threat or a key for the next following days.

Agent Gould is the undergraduate “Golden Boy” of the E.R.A.  (Elite Recombinant Agency) assigned to retrieve the Neurovascular Invasive Electronic System (N. I. E. S.) from a rendezvous point. If he nails today’s mission, not only does he officially graduate from the Agency’s Academy, he also saves everyone from a morbid threat to mankind. It was a simple win-win situation.

Unfortunately, plans backfire when he ends up risking the mission to save a fellow agent, easily falling into the enemy’s hands, cutting him off any means of contact with E. R. A. and leaving him with nothing but, Robyn, the annoying, obnoxious girl that can get them both killed.

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