Pushing On Glass

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Niki's p.o.v

As time passes by my nerves began to disappear. Instead, they were replaced with excitement. I was happy and excited when we closed shop.

I was excited when I went to pick up Donny from my parents’ house and I am nervous right now while I am waiting for my brother to arrive so I can start getting ready.

Donny was onto of my bed while I scrimmage through my entire closet, looking for something to wear. So far I have found nothing but I did find twenty dollars that fell out of my one my jeans.

But I wasn’t looking for it; I was trying to figure out something to wear. Feeling the defeat, I puffed out a sigh.

“Mommy,” Donny said which made me turn around to face him.

“Yes sweetheart,” I said in a tired voice. I saw him get up from on top of the bed and over to the pile of clothes that I threw on the ground earlier when I started looking for something to wear.

His little hands took some things off of the pile until they found their way to a marvelous red dress.

“Wear this,” he said as he walked over to me and handed me.

How did I ever overlook this?

It was beautiful. Looking at it carefully, I admired the beautiful material that it was made out of. The color was a shade of red which really popped out with my skin.

“Thank you sweetheart,” I said before put the dress aside and I pulled him to me to give him a hug.

“I love you Donny, never forget that okay?” I said with my arms still around his small and fragile body.

“Okay, mommy can I ask you a question?”

“Of course,” I said letting for of him so I could look at him while he asked me. “What is it Donny?”

“Do…do you think that Angelo can be my dad?”

It took everything I had to hold back my tears. I knew that Donny wanted to have a father so he could be like the other little kids but I never expect him to ask me that.

I would like for Angelo to be a dad to Donny if things really do work out. I would want him to think as Donny as if he was his own but I knew that it would be a hard thing for someone to do so.

It’s too early in our relationship to know if Angelo could expect as Donny as his son but it was something that I had to know.

But the answer to that may or may not ruin what Angelo and I have. If he can’t treat Donny and love him as a father then I don’t see this going anywhere.

I don’t want to scare him off with all of this but as I said many times before, I am not looking for someone that will break my heart and walk out of my life.

I already went through that which left me brokenhearted and left my son fatherless. If Angelo can’t man up to do that, then it’s the end our relationship.

I knew that I love Angelo. I know that I am in love with Angelo which now makes me regret it for a moment because we never really talked about how it would work out considering Donny.

If he isn’t ready for any of this, then why am I even trying?

Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m already ending a perfect thing without even knowing what his take is on all of this.

All I need to do is talk to Angelo about it when we are alone and when we don’t have a foggy state of mind.

“I don’t know sweetheart but don’t worry about anything like that right now okay?”

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