Tattoos and the Artist

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"I don't want to do this myself,

I don't want to live like a broken record.

I've heard these lines a thousand times,

And I've seen it all before.

I'm sorry love; it's not enough.

We should feel the love sopainfully,

it hurts right to the touch.

I knowit stings,

I know this cuts

And I wish I could agree with you,

but this love is not enough."

Seen It All Before by Bring Me The Horizon played over the radio while I drove to Black Casket.

I am truly grateful for Tyler, he's a wonderful tattoo artist. Tyler has been a very close friend of mine.

We've known each other for a long time; he was there for me before I was pregnant and he's still by my side.

I really don't remember how we met but its a good thing we did. I've been working by his side for over 5 or 6 years now.

And when he asked me if I would like to join him in his new tattoo shop, I was quick to go.

Black Casket has been open for about a year now, and it's doing great. Tyler also introduce me to Angelo Parente.

I knew him, while he was in Motionless In White, but I hadn't officially met him. I was close to Tyler so when Angelo didn't scene for being in a band anymore Tyler offered him an apprenticeship.

Angelo, of course took it as any sane person would do. He was a grand artist and an even better tattoo artist.

From then on, we've tackled tattooing as a trio. We had special guest artist swing by the shop but permanetly its just us.

I specialize in black and grey, cover-ups and Japanese tattoos. I do all perfectly but I enjoy doing those the most.

Most of my tattoos consist of those I like tattooing. My whole left arm had realistic tattoos of spiders.

On a side note, I think that's how Donovan got his admiration for spiders. I too was fascinated with these majestic creatures when I was younger. Shit, I still do.

On my right arm, I talked to use of Tim Burton characters, along with some sugar skulls. I  have monster pinups on both of my thighs. All of the Marilyn Manson logos were on my legs as well.

The backs of both of my hands tattoos of black widow spiders. My knuckles were tattooed as well.

My knuckles said 'Down Fall'. I had the lyrics Bleeding Like A Polaroid from Marilyn Manson's song  Coma White underneath my collar bone.

On my signs for some Japanese style dragon tattoos.

Of course, I had some more tattoos but I won't go into too much detail over all of them.

By the time I got to the shop, Tyler is Angelo were already there. They lived closer to the shop so they always got there before I did.

Plus, Tyler is the one with the key to the shop so he is the one that has to open up. I parked my car around the back in its usual spot.

I got my bag from the passenger seat, got out of the car and walked into my second home.

"Hey Niki," a familiar voice said. I was met with Angelo, his beautiful blue eyes gazing at mine.

His voice, his smile, and his dreamy sea blue eyes, made my heart heart fastet as I said good morning to him.

He smiled once again which means my cheeks quickly heat up would you let me to look away.

Why does he do this to me?

I don't know if you can tell or not, but I have a huge crush on Angelo. Yup, Angelo's friendly and caring personality made me feel strong feelings for him.

He just has to be an amazing guy with  the world's cutest laugh. *sigh*

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