Abnormal is the New Normal

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Angelo's p.o.v

It's a brand new day. A fresh new start. And fresh new clients that will come in to get tattooed by me.

Oh how wonderful, and I'm not being sarcastic with that.

I'm being extremely honest when I say that my life is staring to become what I've always wished for.

Don't get me wrong, I loved when I was on tour and when I would always be around the rest of the guys, but that can be pretty tiresome.

It's a good feeling when you breathe in the fresh air and realize that life itself it wonderful.

It's such a shame how much people spend their entire lives stuck in the past.

You can't change what's happened to you, but you can change how you think about it and how you deal with.

How is mopping around everywhere you go going to help you become a better person than the person you were yesterday?

Nowhere because it doesn't help you.

Get over it get and move on because you're not the only that's hurting.

Sorry got a little carried away but it just upsets me when I see someone that has the opportunity to be happy but doesn't do anything about it.

Anyways, after my date with Niki yesterday I felt better.

It's hard to explain why because it's also hard to explain how I was feeling at the time.

I just feel great all around.

I woke up early today to take Maggie out for a walk, when I got back home I took a shower.

After getting ready, I fed Maggie and ate something myself and now I am heading over to Black Casket for a hard day's work.

I was usually the second one to get there but today was different. It was normal for me to arrive after Tyler but when I got there I didn't see his car.

Instead, I saw Niki's car. It was strange because Tyler would be the one that would open up.


Once I parked my car, I took out what I needed and locked my car and then headed into the shop.

I went in through the back door and heard that someone was there in trying to lift up the steel bars that were on windows.

It was probably Niki.

I rushed over to the front of the shop and saw that it was Niki. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a black tank top.

Making my way to her, she turned around when she heard me coming.

"These things are impossible to lift up," she puffed when I stood next to her.

I examined the bars and quickly found the problem to why the bars wouldn't lift.

"That's because you didn't unhook the latch," I said as I bent down to unhook it.

Once they were off, I stood back up and lifted the steel bars up.

"See I totally knew that," she said, trying to play it off.

"No you didn't," I sassed.

"At least I tried," she said rolling her eyes.

We stood besides each other so I could see what her tank top said.

It was a shirt that Megan Massacre designed that said Ink Addict.

"Why were you even doing it? And where's Tyler," I asked as we moved from the front of the shop to behind the counter.

"Tyler said that he was going to be running late today so he asked me to open up the shop because you didn't answer his call yesterday."

"I was busy," I defended myself.

"You were watching wrestling!"

"Hey, that's very time consuming," I sassed

"Whatever Ange. You're so abnormal," she laughed.

"Abnormal is the new normal, sweetheart," I replied which made her laughed.

But she was right, I did ignore Tyler's call because I was busy watching wrestling but he should know that by now.

We finished getting the shop in order just as a girl with blue hair, followed with a guy that had a hat that had 666 on the front, came into the shop.

She was black shorts with a colorful tank top that said Stay Weird. The guy was wearing black jeans and a black shirt.

It was Ryan and his girlfriend Allie.

"Hey Angelo!!" Allie squealed as I walked from around the counter and over to them.

"Hey Allie," I said as I hugged her then I hugged Ryan.

"All time no see Ange," Ryan said.

"Yup, I hope you guys remember Niki," I said and gestured I over to the beautiful human that was standing behind the counter.

"Oh could we ever forget someone so gorgeous?' Allie said making Niki blush.

"Oh darling, I'm flattered," Niki said.

"So who's getting tattooed today?" I asked.

Ryan pointed at Allie.

"You're my brother and all but I won't trust you with a needle. You'll probably tattoo a dick on me or something," Ryan said.

"I would never do- I would totally do that," I shurgged making them laugh.

Allie told me what she wanted and where she wanted it so I went to go draw it up.

She wanted one of the masks from her favorite horror movie The Strangers. After a few minutes of drawing it, I showed Allie and she loved it.

I set my stuff up and started tattooing. Allie, Ryan and I were catching up. Ryan told me about how the album is going.

He also mentioned that there was a guy named Vinny that they were considering making him part of the band.

But no decisions have been made bcause after all that shit with Brandon, they wanted to make sure they picked the right guy.

After a while I was finished. Allie was in loved with it. It was looking good.I finished wrapping her up and then they were on their way.

Tyler still wasn't here by the time Ryan and Allie left. Niki was behind the counter, scrolling through the Tumblr app.

I had plans on asking her out on Thursays as well because we didn't work that day.

"When is Donny's last day of school?" I asked.

"Wednesday, why?" she asked looking up from her phone and over to me.

I wanted to ask her out but I knew that I needed to prove to her that I could be there for Donny as well as for her.

"Since we don't work on Thursday, maybe we go to the park again. This time it would be me, you, Donny and Maggie."


"Well it's only fair. You introduced me to your baby, now it's time you meet my baby," I said.

"Okay, I'd love that," she said.

"I'd love that too."

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