Bad at Coming Up with Titles

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Niki's p.o.v

Taking a quick shower, I finally stepped out into the icy air of my bedroom. The blue fuzzy towel was wrapped around my body while I walked over to my dress to get a pair of underwear and a new bra.

Pulling out my undergarments, I let the towel fall onto the floor and put them on then walked to my closet to pick out something nice to wear.

It was a beautiful day outside, nice and breezy. I still didn’t know where we were going exactly so I needed to be careful when I pick out what I am going to wear.

Maybe a nice sundress with a cute pair of sandals, I searched through my closet, trying to find the right sundress to wear. Almost reaching the end of my closet, I finally found the right one.

It was a dark grey silky sundress that covered my entire body. But it did show a bit of cleavage which I was okay with because I do like showing off my wonderful chest piece.

Carefully placing the dress on my bed, I went back to my closet to find the right pair of shoes. Swan Song by Set It Off was playing quietly in my room and I hummed along to it while seeking for a nice pair of sandals.

After searching through most of my shoes, out of the corner of my eye I saw ones that went perfectly with the dress I just picked out.

They were a pair of Kelly & Katie Phyllis Flat Sandals that came in a beautiful shiny black. They were perfect. I had almost completely forgotten that I even had these but it’s a good thing I saw that I had them.

Putting the rest of my shoes back into my closet, I walked over to my bed and placed the sandals next to my dress and went back into my bathroom to start doing my makeup.

I put on a coat of foundation over my semi-pale, semi-tan skin. Once it was on, I took out my liquid eyeliner and put it on around my top eyelid until it came to a little wing on the end.

I did the same thing on the other eye. I fixed them both a little so they could look symmetrical. They were both just right. I nodded at myself in the mirror, approving of my makeup.

Before I put on some lipstick, I took out my honeydew Eos and put some on. I then took out a light pink lipstick from my drawer and lightly spread it across my lips.

My makeup was done but before I went back to my bedroom, I rubbed lotion on my bare legs and arms, the I walked back into my bedroom, that was connected with my bathroom and slipped on the sundress and sandals.

I went over to my closet to check myself out in the full-length mirror. Everything was perfect but I needed to do my hair.

I picked up the brush that was onto of my dresser and began to brush through my black hair.

Once it was carefully brushed, I moved most of my hair to the left side of my head. It was how I normally wear it.

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was now ten to eleven. My heartbeat quickens and I deeply sighed.

In only a few minutes I will be going out on a date with Angelo; Angelo Parente to be exact.

He’s the only thought that has stayed in my mind and he will probably stay there for some time now. I know that deep inside everything was going to be great.

While I was in deep thought over Angelo, my phoned buzzed in my hand. It was a message from him.

Ange: I hope you’re ready because I’m only a few minutes away. ;)

Me: I’ll be waiting for your arrival.

I sent him with message with my quickly beating heart. I checked what I was wearing once again in the closet’s mirror before I closed it and then walked back into my bathroom to turn off the lights I left on.

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