Wonders and Happiness

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Niki's p.o.v

People have been coming in and out for their appointments and some walk-ins. We’ve been pretty busy for the whole day. I’ve been five tattoos.

Tyler has done four and Ange did some outlines.

But the time was whining down on us, there was probably a less hour left until we close shop. Ange and I were just talking while Tyler was finishing up his last tattoo.

We were sitting on the couch that was in the front of the shop. I was on one end and he was on the other side.

We were just talking about yesterday’s movie when Ange grew silent.

He had his smirk on his face which made me blush. Why as he staring at me?

Ever since yesterday, I just felt like something was changing with him yet I didn’t know what it was.

“Why are you staring at me?” I sweetly asked.

“I was thinking,” he answered.

“Thinking about what?”

“Stuff,” I rolled my eyes by his answer.

What could he possibly thinking about? Does it have something to do with me? What am I talking about?

Of course it has nothing to do with me. Why would I ever be on his mind?

“Well, there’s actually something I wanted to ask you,” he said.

“Umm okay,” I hesitated to say.

His smile grew wide but I knew that there was something in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous?

I smiled but was biting my bottom lip as the same time. It’s just a nervous habit, I couldn’t really help it.

“Do you want to hang out with me tomorrow? You know just you and me?” he finally choked out.

Hang out? Was this a date, or did I just take it in the wrong way?

“Umm of course, but is it a date?” I asked.

“No,” he quickly answered which made me sad for a minute. See, that’s why I don’t like having high expectations because they usually just backfire on me.

“Well we won’t call it a date, unless that’s what you want to call it,” he then said.

He was rubbing the back of his neck as he was talking.

“Okay, I’m confused. Is it or is it not a date?” I asked.

“Do you want it to be a date?” he answered.

I paused for a minute. I wanted to scream out the word yes but I needed to play cool. Yes, I do want this to be date because I’ve been crushing hard on him but I just need to calm myself down.

“I do want it to be a date,” I said with my cheeks on fire by now. His grin was now wider than before and that nervous look in his eyes had disappeared.

“Then it’s a date,” he said.

“I guess it is,” I sassed back.

Jesus Christ and everything nice, I’m going on a date with Angelo.


I didn’t want to show him how excited I was because my heart was seriously beating out of my chest.

Does this mean he likes me? Of course it does! I’m probably as his mind as much as he’s on mine.

He’s been the thought that has kept me up on most sleepless nights and now I have to opportunity to actually see if this can work out between us.

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