Holidays in the Sun

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Niki's p.o.v

Title inspired by Holidays in the Sun by Sex Pistols

“Donny, what do you want on your pancakes?” I yelled to my son who was still getting ready in his room.

“Just blueberries!” he yelled back at me.

It was early Monday morning and I was preparing breakfast for my loving and adorable little son.

I woke him up so he could get ready for school but he’s just taking his sweet time while I was making some pancakes. It’s such a mommy thing for me to do.

But I feel special when I do things like that because it’s something sweet and simple and it makes me feel all warm inside.

“Pancakes are ready!” I singed aloud when Donny was coming out of his room and sat down at the table. His eyes screamed that he was still sleepily. But thankfully this was the last week of kindergarten.

I moved away from the stove and picked up the plate of freshly made pancakes and placed it on the table. I went back to the kitchen, over to the cabinet and took a plate out and took out the silverware as well.  

And since I was at it already, I grabbed the blueberries and syrup from the fridge, balancing it all in my hands. I brought them to the table and set them down carefully.

After placing the plate in front of Donny, I took two pancakes from the plate and put it onto his. He took the blueberries and syrup and began to pile it on top his pancakes.

“Don’t put too much syrup on it,” I warned Donny of that before he gets a tummy ache during school.

“Yes mommy.”

I sat down and watched him eat his pancakes hungrily. “Do you want milk?” I asked. “Yes please,” he said before he stuffed more pancakes in his mouth.

I laughed before I stood up and walked back into the kitchen, to the cabinet and pulled out his Spider-Man cup and then walked to the fridge to fill the cup with the almond milk we had.

Once it was filled, I went back to the table and placed the cup near his plate. He was almost done and when I gave him his cup, he drank most of the milk.

“You were hungry weren’t you?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“Yes,” he said drinking the last of his milk.

“Okay well come on, you don’t want you to be late,” I said.

He got up from the table and went to go get his backpack while I grabbed my bag, my keys and phone before we both walked out of the house.

I locked the door behind me and went to the car to buckle Donny into his car seat. Once I was sure that he was fine, I went into the driver’s seat and turned on the car.

“Mommy, can you play that song I like?” Donny asked sweetly.

“Which one honey?”

“The one by that band that’s Blink something,” he said.

All the Small Things by Blink- 128, okay I got it.”

I flipped through my music library until it started playing. I sang along quietly to as I drove to my son’s school which was only seven minutes away from where we lived.

Maneuvering through the school’s parking lot, I drove to the drop off area and parked my car in the parking lot. I turned off the car and walked back to unbuckle Donny from his car seat.

He grabbed his backpack and then claimed out of the car. We walked hand in hand to the school. “Mommy, when will I see Angelo again?” he asked as we were reaching closer to the school.

Be My Dream (Angelo Parente)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang