Is this home anymore? |Tyler Seguin|

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"You're never home!"

A look of pure anger washes over Tyler's face. This was a fight that we seemed to be having more frequently since our three year anniversary a couple months ago. Every road trip he had to take added fuel to the fire and it was only a matter of time before we couldn't handle the unspoken weight this argument held.

"What do you want me to do here, (Y/N)? This is my job. The job that bought this house and everything else we have. Travelling is part of my job and you think you would've clued in to that after three years of being with me. I'm home whenever I can be so just get off my back already." His voice raises and it only makes me angrier.

"I spend weeks here by myself in this big house, wishing that you were here beside me. You're gone and it's like I don't exist to you anymore. You text me once a day, once every two or three days and you expect me to be okay with having little to no contact. I have no idea what you're doing or if you're okay and the only glimpse I get of you is on the TV while you skate around in an ice rink five or six states over. It feels like I'm in a relationship with the screen. Does that even sound remotely like a relationship to you?"

The question makes Tyler's eyes widen and the seriousness of the situation seems to dawn on him. I had never disclosed this to him before and there was no way he could've known that I've been doubting our relationship.

"Baby, I-" His voice waivers for a second. "I had no idea you've been feeling this way. Are you really doubting our relationship?"

"I can't help it, Ty. I need to know that you are still as invested in this relationship as I am but how am I supposed to know that if you head out on a road trip and cut off communication with me?"

He slumps into the chair behind him, his head in his hands and an audible sigh leaving his lips.

"You should've told me you felt like this! I had absolutely no idea that any of this was going on. If I had any idea you were feeling like this, I would've fixed it." He stares at me and his eyes portray a whirlwind of emotions.

"I didn't want you to be stressed out, Ty. You have enough on your plate with the team and I would never want to add to that. I was hoping you would clue in to how upset I was by yourself."

Pushing up from the chair, he makes his way across our living room quickly and before I can make room for him on the chair I'm sitting in, he's sitting on the floor in front of me with his head resting on my lap and his hands gripping mine tightly. Any pent up anger I had dissipates and I match his grip on my hands. He says something but his words are muffled from his face pressed into my leg and he shifts so he's looking up at me.

"I am so sorry I ever made you feel like that (Y/N) and I am even more sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean a single word that came out of my mouth. I've had so much going on but that isn't an excuse. Knowing that I made you feel like that breaks my heart baby and I don't know what to do to make it up to you. I love you so much."

A tear slides down my cheek and Tyler reaches up to wipe it away gently. I push him off me and move to stand up, not missing the deflated look covering his face and his teary eyes that send pain through my heart. When I'm standing upright, I reach my hands out to him to help him up and he takes them with a small smile, not actually using any of my help to stand up.

"I love you too Ty, you know that."

His arms wrap around me, pulling me tightly to his chest. Snaking my arms around his stomach, I sink into his comforting hold and breathe a sigh of relief.

"I will do anything to show you how much I love you. You should never doubt the love I have for you. You mean the world to me, (Y/N)."

With no warning, Tyler picks me up and heads towards the staircase. I giggle as he nuzzles his head into my neck and his beard scratches me. After every fight we have, Tyler holds me and everything becomes alright again. He feels like home.


AN: Sorry if this is short or doesn't make sense. I decided to write in first person because it's the most natural for me but let me know if you'd prefer to write in a different point of view. Also let me know if you liked this and if I'm headed in the right direction when it comes to style of writing and just if you liked it.

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