Days at a Time |Nolan Patrick|

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It felt like Nolan was never home. 

Before you had shared an apartment with him, it wasn't as noticeable. You were used to going home to an empty apartment. You knew the only person who lived there was yourself and it made it easier when Nolan was gone. As happy as you were when Nolan asked you to move in with him, you knew that small coping mechanism was gone. You would be going home to an empty apartment that should have someone in it. 

Although he was constantly on a road trip, it never got easier for you. Your heart ached when you walked through the door to a silent apartment or accidentally cooked a meal for two instead of one.

Not wanting to upset Nolan, you never mentioned it. You knew he would be there with you if he could. Travelling was a part of his job and it hurt him to be away from you. To compensate for not getting to see each other often, you and Nolan texted constantly. Whether it was just to check in or to share some funny story from your day, your phone was constantly lighting up with texts from him. 


Hey baby

I miss you

I'll be home tomorrow


Can't wait to see you Nol

I love and miss you too 


How has your day been?


It's been alright

I finished class around lunchtime

and I didn't have to work until four


That's good

Work went okay?



I ended up leaving early

How was your day?


It was okay

we beat the Coyotes 

and coach was happy with my playing today


That's great baby!

I told you

keep playing your hardest

and you'll be rewarded

you're so talented


Thank you baby

You're the best


I have to head to bed Nol

I'll text you in the morning 


Okay baby

Have a good sleep

I love you 


I love you too






and a day


Sweet dreams Nol


They will be 

As long as you're in them 



You laughed at his last text as you slipped into your bed. He always found a way to make you smile. Even though he was gone so often, he was able to gauge your mood and make you happier. The distance didn't affect your relationship like you thought it would in the beginning. Nolan doesn't need to be right by your side at all times. You know he loves you and he knows you love him. The last thought on your mind as you fell asleep was Nolan coming home and being able to sleep right beside you. 

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