New Adventures |Jamie Benn|

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A piercing cry sounded through the large room, waking you up from your sleep. 

You knew it was your baby girl and groggily shuffled out of your bed, careful not to disturb the man you thought was sleeping next to you. However, when you wiped the sleep out of your drooping eyes, Jamie was already standing beside your little girls bassinet and in the middle of lifting her to his chest. He gently shushed her as he bounced on the balls of his feet. This was something you'd seen him do countless times in the past two months and it never failed to warm your heart.

The crying didn't stop and you moved over to the pair, taking the little girl out of Jamie's arms and into your own. Her diaper was dry so you figured she was hungry. Trying to keep her calm as you situated yourself on the bed, you lifted your shirt and began breastfeeding. 

Jamie stretched out on the bed, trying to get a few more hours of sleep in before he went to do one of his midsummer training sessions. The upcoming season was getting inevitably closer and as the captain, Jamie had to keep in shape. He hated leaving you and the baby at home while he worked out but you were still cautious about bringing her too many places, especially a gym full of sweaty hockey players. 

Yours and Jamie's baby girl Ryleigh was born not long after the regular season had ended and the Stars were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. Although it was a disappointing end to the season for the team, the timing was perfect for you and the Stars captain. Jamie was able to spend every day with you and you shared the experience of watching her grow from the moment she was born. 

Jamie held your hand in the hospital as you went through a 15 hour labour. You squeezed his hand with every painful contraction and he laughed as you hurled insults at anyone who suggested that you breathe. Most of the labour was a blur however because as soon as you held your newborn baby girl to your chest, nothing else mattered. 

The first two weeks were spent with constant visitors. Jamie's parents flew in from British Columbia as soon as your water broke and they made it to the hospital shortly after Ryleigh was born. Your parents arrived the next day after hopping on a red eye flight. Both sets of grandparents were in love as soon as they met your baby girl and the support you and Jamie had was incredible. 

After Ryleigh was finished eating you laid her back in her bassinet and crawled into bed, hoping for a couple more hours of sleep. As you got comfortable, Jamie threw his arm over you and pulled you tightly to his chest. His arm wrapped around you completely and a relaxed sigh sounded in your ears.

"Our baby girl is perfect, Jam." You whispered to him, not sure if he was completely awake.

"She's just like her mother." 

"Baby, she's identical to you."

"How did we make such a perfect baby?" Jamie asked me, sounding relatively less groggy.

"I guess we're just lucky."

"I'm lucky to have both of you (Y/N). You're amazing with her and you amaze me everyday."

"I couldn't do it without you Jam. You wake up to take care of her in the middle of the night so I can get some sleep. You spend hours everyday sitting with her in the rocking chair, reading to her. You're the most amazing husband and father."

"We're a team baby. I know I'm not always going to be here, especially during the season, but I've always got your back and I'll support you as much as I can."

"I love you Jam."

"I love you too, (Y/N). And I love our new adventures."

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