Compromises |Connor McDavid|

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The pantry in the kitchen of yours and Connors new house were completely empty. You had only moved in yesterday so it was to be expected but you still got the urge to go out and buy a whole grocery store. There wasn't even so much as a bottle of water in the fridge or loaf of bread in the pantry. Neither you or Connor had thought to bring food from your old apartments because you hadn't bought groceries in anticipation for the move. You had been living on any frozen food that was already stuffed in your freezer or take out. You were incredibly tired of ordering food and wanted to be able to cook something. Instead of making a mental note of all the food you were planning on grabbing, you found a random pad of paper and pen to scribble everything down on. A craving for chocolate hit you and you wrote it messily at the bottom of the list.

"Connor! Come downstairs please" You yelled up to your boyfriend who was currently unpacking on the second storey of your home. 

A couple seconds later you heard a faint reply and the thud of feet coming down the stairs. He appeared at the bottom of the stairs, shirtless and slightly sweaty from carrying all the boxes. 

"What's up babe?" He asked, moving closer to wrap his arms around you.

"We have to go grocery shopping. There is no food in this house and I'm sick of takeout."

"Okay, let me throw a shirt on and we can head to that grocery store around the corner." You nodded and he made his way back up the stairs. 

By the time he came back down stairs, your shoes were on and the car keys were in your hand. Connor laughed at your eagerness and took the keys so he could drive. 

It didn't take long to reach the grocery store and the parking lot was surprisingly only about half full. It didn't take long for Connor to find a spot and he pulled you to him as you headed towards the entrance. You had a game plan in your mind that consisted of you and Connor walking through each aisle and picking up whatever you saw that you wanted. You were not ready for the insane amount of food you would get. Connor grabbed a shopping cart and trailed behind you as you started in the produce section. 

Without rhyme or reason, you picked up a variety of fruits and vegetables including some that you wanted specifically for your supper. Connor was visibly bored and you couldn't help but laugh at the mischievous look on his face.  You had no idea what he was up to and you hoped he would wait until after you made it out of the grocery store. 

As you made your way farther into the store, Connor disappeared from your side. Although you were curious, you decided not to go looking for him and kept piling things into the cart. Most of your cart was full of things you could use to cook suppers but there were a few treats thrown in for when you were feeling lazy.

"Babe, we need gatorade." Connor popped up behind you as you were trying to pick out some juice and other fridge items. When you turned around, Connor was holding six cases of gatorade in his arms. 

"Why do we need that much? Connor, we can come back to the store when you run out."

"What if some of the guys come over, (Y/N)? We need to be stocked up just in case." You rolled your eyes at his logic.

"Okay fine but that means I get to pick out whatever frozen foods I want."

"Babe why? I can't eat that stuff during the season."

"You can't but I definitely can."

"Okay fine but this means that I get to choose the cereal."

"We are not getting four boxes of that gross grain cereal you like. I want at least one box of cinnamon toast crunch and some lucky charms too."

"Fine but we're getting whole grain bread."

"We can get one of each. I'm not the captain of the Oilers. I can eat whatever I want." That made Connor jokingly roll his eyes at you. 

You both made it through the entire store, the cart full by the time you got to the cash register. The shelves of chocolate strategically placed right before the checkout reminded you about your chocolate craving and several bars made it into your cart.

"Babe, we don't need chocolate."

"The chocolate isn't for you. We may not need it but I definitely do."

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