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I think our relationship has gotten a lot more real and to be honest it's a bit overwhelming. I mean just a couple years ago we didn't even like each other. But, I guess it has been a lot of time. "Hey, do you wanna go out today?" And whoa, what's this? We're going out for the first time ever. "Where?" I get off the couch. "I don't know... just walk around and maybe get something to eat?" That sounds alright, it's basically like friends hanging out. I guess it still hasn't hit me that's he's actually my husband. I don't know, I still can't wrap my mind around it. I need to just stop thinking about it.
Half an hour later were both ready and leave the house. "So, how's your band stuff going?" I ask him as we start walking. "It's good, we're getting ready for a comeback. It's exciting." He smiles. "Aren't you afraid you're gonna get mobbed just walking out here?" His eyes widen in sudden realization. "I forget about that sometimes, haha.." he laugh nervously and gets a mask out. It's actually kind of sad that he can't just take a walk without being bombarded. I guess that's a price to pay to be famous. "What about you? How's work?" I see an ice cream store and forget what he just asked, "uh what..?" I ask as I start walking towards the store. "How's work?"
"Oh, it's good, same old stuff. Not as exciting as your stuff." I walk in and it's unusually empty. I guess that's good for us.
We order our ice cream and sit down in one of the booths. "So, I haven't really asked about your career before. So tell me some things." I ask him. "Well, I have produced some of our songs myself and have worked on some with Namjoon."
"Whoa, wait, you've actually written some of the songs! What the heck, now this is the kind of stuff you should tell me!" We end up talking about everything he's done and instead of taking a walk we spend the whole evening in the store, just talking. I think we learned a lot about each other.
"So, I have a question for you. If you had liked BTS before we got married, who would've been your favorite?" He asks with a smirk on his face. "Definitely not you. Hm, probably... Hoseok." He frowns, "why definitely not me?"
"Just cause." He crosses his arms, "I hate you." I smile, "hate you too, ugly."
"Me? Ugly? You must not look in the mirror then."
"I look every morning and I get shocked every time because I see an angel." He scoffs, "Stop lying to yourself. If I hadn't married you, no one else would." I roll my eyes, "oh, thanks so much! You've truly saved my life." He smiles, "I know."
"Ugh, i hate you."

A couple hours later and we're finally home, "I'm so tired." I fall on the couch. "Make me some popcorn, peasant." I shoo him. "We barely did anything. You need to get in shape." I groan, "Shut up, you've been practicing and stuff for years, so this is nothing to you."
"Don't be jealous." I scoff, "As if I'd be jealous of you." I hear the popcorn in the microwave, "Thanks! Also, what should we watch? I saw a new Barbie movie on Netflix." He sits down next to me with the popcorn, "Guess we're watching Barbie then."
3 Barbie movies and 2 bags of popcorn later, I get really tired. "Are you gonna carry me to my bed or.." he sighs, "Alright, get on." He turns his back to me. "Whoa you're really gonna carry me?" He shrugs, "why not? How heavy can you be?" I get on his back and he pretends to fall. "Ha ha you're so funny." He snickers, "I know." He drops me on the bed and leaves the room, so I get up and start changing, but I didn't expect him to come back so soon. As soon as take my shirt off, he comes back in. "Dude! Get out!" I cover myself with my shirt and he just stands there. "Yoongi!" I throw a pillow at him. "There's a bathroom right there you know!" Ugh, "Shut up," I shout at him as he gets out and closes the door. Then minutes later I let him back in. "You saw nothing." I glare at him. "I saw something." He sticks his tongue out at me. "You're so childish." I lay down and turn away from him. "We are married you know, so it's not like a stranger saw you."
"I don't care," I scoot further away from him. I can just tell he's rolling his eyes. "Now who's childish?"


Whoa, it's been a while since I updated. Sorry guys! I had a bit of writers block

Anyways, enjoy!
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Thank you (:

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