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Rya went to work the next day, she said she'll be fine now since he's not there anymore, but I don't know. I feel like she should've stayed home for a bit. What if he somehow shows up? I guess I'm just more worried than she is. If she says she'll be fine, then she'll be fine. I hope. Since I have a free day today, I thought I'd cook something nice for her. She didn't eat last night or this morning, saying she has no appetite.

A few hours later

Rya comes home finally, "Hi, I'm home. Sorry I'm late. There was an accident and so many patients were coming in, it was crazy. I actually have to go back again to help out. Oh whoa. Did you make this?" She sees the table set up and all the food. "Um, yeah.. you haven't eaten since yesterday, so I thought I'd make something." She sits down and looks at everything. "Thanks. It looks really good." We both sit and eat. She didn't really say anything though. "So, how was work?" I look at her, I think she knows what I mean by how it was but she just ignores it. "It was busy, but good. Thanks for the food it was really good." She gets up and goes to her room. A few minutes later I hear the shower turn on. After she gets out the bathroom, she comes back out. "I think I'll sleep out here tonight." She sits on the couch and turn the TV on. "Why?" I sit next to her. "I.. I just don't want to sleep by myself. I'm still not used to it." She just stares at the TV. "What do you mean?"
"At Home, my little sister slept next to me basically everyday. She would hold my hand and that'd help us both sleep. I don't know why, but when she held my hand it just made me sleep better. Also she's so tiny and cute it was like sleeping with a little teddy bear." She laughs lightly. "So, you haven't been sleeping very well?" She grabs the cushion and hugs it. "It's been a year now so I've gotten used to it a little bit, but I still wish I could be sleeping next to her or someone that would hold my hand. Even if she wasn't sleeping next to me, she would still be in the same room, so sleeping by myself is actually kind of scary. I should just sleep out here now. With the TV on it's more comforting." She lies down on the couch. "It's going to be uncomfortable though." She shrugs her shoulders, "uncomfortable here is better than uncomfortable in there." Should I just let her sleep here? "You know, it was actually pretty nice when you were there last night... but that probably made you uncomfortable, right?" Was I uncomfortable? "Actually, I wasn't. At all." She raises her eyebrows, "Really? But it's still better sleeping by yourself isn't it?"
"Well, I guess so. I've been sleeping by myself for a long time. I sometimes sleep next to the members but at home and the dorms I'm usually sleeping alone, so that's probably why." She finally looks at me, "Well, you look tired now. It was your free day today, right? So you should go rest as much as you can." She smiles at me. "But are you sure you'll be fine here?" I can't just leave her here, right? "I'll be fine." She laughs a little, "now go" She waves at me.
So I go to my room. Should I have just slept next to her again? She did say it was nice last night. I don't know, I don't want it to be weird. I mean, we still don't really know each other. We just started talking like friends. I don't want to make anything weird already. So I just change and get into bed.

It's been two hours and I can't sleep. Why can't I sleep? Because I'm worried about her. I go out to see if she's gone to sleep and as soon as I get near her she screams. "Shit! Bro, you scared me. I thought you were asleep." She bolts up and breathes heavily. I can't help but laugh. "It's not funny. You gave me a heart attack. You didn't even make any noise and popped up out of nowhere!" She throws a cushion at me. But I keep laughing until I fall. She gets up and starts hitting me with the cushion, "Sorry! I'm sorry." I take the cushion from her and throw it away, then she just sits there and pouts. "Feel my heart, it's still beating like crazy." She has her hand on her chest. "Oh really? Let me feel too." I sit up and face her. "Yeah, right! Pervert." I start laughing again, "how did you know?" I wink at her. She pushes me away. "Go to sleep." She rolls her eyes. "I can't without you." She gags, "you're gross." It's so fun teasing her. She lies down on the carpet, "I'm so tired, but I couldn't sleep." She yawns. I lie down next to her, "because I wasn't here?" She turns to me, "yeah" she winks and this time I gag. "You're gross too." She laughs sleepily. "Will you stay here until I fall asleep?" She asks as her eyes close. "Yeah." She suddenly grabs my hand, "sorry.." She falls asleep. I couldn't even tell her I don't mind. Instead of leaving I end up sleeping next to her.

Awww they're getting closer. So cute.

Alsoooo, I'm publishing a new book, lol. Since I already completed one, I had another idea, sooo here we go. It's called Soulmate and it is a Taehyung fanfic. Pls check it out. It's gonna be good, hopefully.

Anyways hope you all enjoy! (:

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