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I had a day off today, and since the boys have been practicing all day, I decided to go visit them. I hope they aren't over working themselves again.

I finally get inside, there's so many fans outside the building and of course, they know who I am so, they hate me. I sigh, as I get inside and go to their practice room. I see them all except for him. "Hey guys!" I wave at them and they all come over to me. "Rya!" "Hi" "Hello!" "Hey" they all talk over each other. "Hi, how's practice?" I ask them. "It's fun!" "So much work.." Taehyung and Jin say at the same time. "Um.. where's Yoongi?" They look around, "oh yeah, he went to the bathroom I think, down the hall." Hoseok says. After a little chit chat they start practicing again, so I go look for Yoongi since he still wasn't back. "Bathroom..." I find the bathroom, but I guess he's still inside. I walk further down the hall and hear some people talking. I probably shouldn't be here, I turn back but I hear a familiar voice... is it him? Who's he talking to? I peek into the room and he was talking to a girl. They were so close to each other.. what the? He was against the wall while the girl was basically pressed up against him. Should I go in? What does a person do in this situation? Last time I just walked away, but should I do something this time? How can this be happening again? I take a deep breath and walk in. He seems a bit panicked while the girl just looks at me with no expression. "Um.." what do I even say? I look down to see my hand shaking. "Rya.. it's not-" he gets cut off "Rya! Did you find him...? Oh." Hoseok's smile fades immediately. "What's going on?" Jimin shows up, then Taehyung and the rest and suddenly everyone knows what's going on. I've never been more embarrassed in my life. Everyone is quiet, "Is something wrong here? We were busy." The girl says. I turn around and leave the room. Everyone else stays there though. "Yoongi.. what the hell.." I hear Hoseok say. After that I just run out of the building.

Hoseok's POV

Is this really happening again? How come he still hasn't pushed her away? Jungkook suddenly goes up to them and gets the girl off him. "What the!" She looks like she's about to throw a tantrum. "Leave." Namjoon tells her and Jin pushes her out. When she leaves, everyone let's out a sigh. "What was that?" I ask him. "Nothing, I swear! She was talking to me and suddenly she's on me. Nothing happened." He looks down. "You didn't push her off right away? You didn't even push her off after Rya saw you, after we all saw you? What the hell?" Jimin says angrily. "I don't know.. I was shocked.. I guess. What am I gonna do?" He sighs as he slides down to the floor. "You're sure nothing happened?" Namjoon asks him. "Yes, I wouldn't do anything like that." He looks offended. "I don't know if she'll believe me though." We all sigh, "Just talk to her." Jin gets him off the floor.

Yoongi's POV

How do I keep messing up? Nothing happened, but I should've just left. Why didn't I leave? I should've just left. I feel like an idiot, so I leave practice and go home. I hope she's there.

"Rya!" I call out her name as soon as I get inside. I look in our room, but she isn't there. So I go check her old room. I knock first, but it doesn't open so I go in and I see her just sitting on the bed. "Rya.." She looks up, "Hm?" I sit on the bed, "I'm sorry.. I swear nothing happened, nothing would ever happen. I wouldn't do that to you, you know that."  At least, I hope she knows that. "This is what.. like the third time?" She sighs. "Rya, I swear, it wasn't like that. She was talking and suddenly she's moving closer and then you walk in and I.. I don't know.. I couldn't move.. I'm sorry." I hold her hand. "It was so embarrassing. Everyone knows. They all saw everything. I must've looked pathetic. I couldn't even say anything. If you can't even avoid situations like that, it makes me think you just aren't ready to be married. We were arranged, you hadn't explored other options or people. If that's the case, then I can just go back home." She doesn't mean... "let's just get a divorce, then you can be with anyone and everyone and it won't be a problem." My heart sinks a little. I've started to like her, really like her, but she's right. I don't even know how to avoid these situations. Am I really not ready? It's only been two years since we got married and this isn't the first time this has happened. Should we really get a divorce? "But what about our parents?" I ask her. "I'll just tell them we weren't ready. We were rushed into this, without knowing what or who we really want." She gets up. "I.. I'm gonna go out for a walk." She leaves the room and a minute later I hear the door outside shut. This doesn't feel right, divorce? There's really no one I even want to date or get to know. I like Rya. We've gotten so close, I don't think I want to leave her. I won't.

She comes back an hour later. I go up to her and grab her hand, "we're not getting divorced. I know I don't want to leave you. I know I don't want to 'explore other options' I like how we are and how our relationship continues to grow. I've been thinking about it, and I know I don't want to get a divorce. I'm still learning, but I am ready to be a married man for you and only for you. I.. I promise." I see her tear up, "Are you sure? There's really no going back after this and we'll really be done if this happens again.." I hug her, "a hundred percent sure." I feel like such an ass. Why do I keep doing this to her? I'll make sure this never happens again.

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