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I rushed to Yoongi's room and barged in, which is rude, but there's an emergency. "Hi, uh, sorry, but there's something you need to know," he looks surprised. "What is it.." It's probably really weird to see me like this. "I need to move all my stuff in this room and sleep here tonight, I'll sleep on the floor! Like I don't care where but it needs to be in this room. Okay, look. So my mom doesn't know that I sleep separately. She thinks we're this happy little couple and she's coming over in a little bit with your mom and if she sees this, she's gonna have a thousand questions and make everything really uncomfortable, SO um you don't have to help me or anything but can I put my stuff here?" I honestly can't breathe. One, because I just spoke really fast and a lot and two, because I'm hella nervous.
"Uh, whoa, first of all, breathe. And second, my mom doesn't know either. When are they coming?"
"Um.. in like 30 minutes.." His eyes opened really wide, "What.. the hell! We have to hurry! Go get your stuff I'm gonna make some room." I ran to my room and gathered all my things so fast, I was almost the flash.
I went to his room and saw him literally throwing stuff around to make some room fast. "How is this room so big but doesn't have enough space for just your things." He shook his head, "I just have too much stuff.." It's already been 15 minutes, now we have 15 more to clean everything and make it look neat. "Ugh, after they're gone it's gonna take me forever to take this all back to my room and set everything again," I whined to myself, but I feel like he heard me. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring, "Shit! I'm not ready yet!" I started shoving everything in the closet. "Just leave it like that, it's not like I'm gonna stay here I'll just take it back when they're gone. Let's go!" The doorbell rang again, "They're so impatient," I rolled my eyes.

I opened the door, "Rya! My baby, how are you? Wow the apartment is better than I imagined! Oh my, look at how you've decorated. I love it! Where's your husband?" She winked at me. Oh God. After she was done rambling, Mrs. Min came in after her, "Rya! How nice to see you! The apartment looks so nice! It's looks much better now with you here." She hugged me. "Thank you, Mrs. Min it's really nice to see the both of you!" I hugged her back. When I let go of her, I saw my mom talking Yoongi's ear off. He didn't seem to mind though, in fact, he was smiling.
"Can I see your room now? I just can't wait to see how Rya and you have made it your own! I know Rya has really good taste, so I can't wait to see." My mom made her way to the master bedroom, which is actually just Yoongi's. "Hm.. Rya, it doesn't seem like you've decorated at all! This doesn't suit you." My mom is starting to get suspicious. "Well, um.. Yoongi doesn't really like my taste and I decided to just adhere to his. I think it looks alright like this too." Honestly, I hate it. It's so boring. "Oh? Is that so?" My mom looked at Yoongi, "It's not like that, I told her she could add her decorations as well." Pffft, he's good at lying.
My mom moved onto the guest bedroom, which is actually mine. "Now this room matches Rya! Why is that?" Oh shit, I forgot to take down my stuff. "Well, um, since I couldn't decorate our room, I wanted to at least decorate my- I mean the guest room." This is the first time Yoongi's seen my room. He doesn't seem to hate it. "I see. Well, everything looks wonderful! Although, I've seen that you two haven't interacted at all. Is something wrong?" Mrs. Min is suspicious now too. We panicked, "No, of course not!" I quickly went to Yoongi's side and grabbed his hand. "We're great," He smiled. Even though it was really awkward for the both of us, I feel like we put up a great act.

Finally, after 3 hours they left! Yoongi and I had to hold hands basically the entire time. After they left we both sighed and fell on the couch, "That was exhausting." I closed my eyes, I'm so tired. "I know, right. I can't do this again." I look down and see that we're still holding hands, I coughed slightly and he looked at me and then looked at our hands. We let go really quickly, "Let's just hope we don't have to do this again." Yoongi looks really tired too. "I thought they were going to stay the night, I would've died." He laughed, "that would have been interesting." I laughed as well, "Hey, um, can I leave my stuff in your room for the night? I don't even want to get up from here." I lie down on the couch. "Yeah, that's fine, I'm not gonna move at all for now." I'm slowly falling asleep, I straighten my legs on to Yoongi's lap and he put his arms on them and in just a few minutes we both fall asleep.

sorry if you thought this was an update! I needed to correct a few things, sorry!

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