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It's been a week since we had that fight and we haven't spoken since. I don't even care. He starts a meaningless fight and I'm suppose to apologize first? I don't think so. I hear a knock on the door and get up to open it. "Oh, hey Jimin" I see a smiling Jimin at the door and let him in. "Hey! I just wanted to see if Yoongi has all his stuff together so we could leave." He walls to his room. "Leave? Where are you guys going?" Jimin stops, "he didn't tell you?" He could probably tell how confused I was. "What?! He really didn't? We're going to the states for a mini tour. I'm so excited!!" Wait what? They're leaving for a tour and he couldn't even tell me that? What the hell? "Oh wow, must be nice." I smiled at him. "It is! We're gonna have so much fun. Looks like he has all his stuff together. But where is he?" Jimin looks around the apartment. "He stepped out a while ago." Jimin nods, "I see, well, I have some more packing to do so see ya!" And just like that he leaves. I still can't get over the fact that he couldn't man up and apologize and tell me he's leaving. What was he thinking of doing? Just leaving for a while without telling me and hoping I won't notice?

An hour later and he finally comes home. "So, I had an interesting conversation with Jimin today." He looks up at me but doesn't say anything. "You were just gonna leave today? Without even saying anything?" He still doesn't say anything. "Wow, okay." I go to my room while he just sits in the living room. I can't believe he was just gonna leave like that.

It's been 2 hours since I tried to talk to him and he's leaving in an hour and still has not said a word to me. Whatever. I hope he leaves and never comes back. I scream into my pillow. Obviously I didn't mean that, but I'm just so angry. I hear a knock on the door and then hear him open it. Soon the voices of all his other band mates fill the house. "Hey, where's Rya?" I hear Hobi ask. "Don't know," He responds. Um, I've been in my room for the past 2 hours. Soon I hear a knock on my door, "yo, Rya you awake?" I open the door and see a smiling Hoseok.
"Yep, what's up?" He sits on my bed, "is everything okay? Something feels... weird." What the? He noticed? "Everything's fine." I smile at him. "I can tell you're lying. Also Yoongi seems extra weird. More quiet than usual." I sigh, "fine, we had a fight a week ago and we haven't talked since and he didn't even tell me you guys were leaving today. I found out from Jimin and when I confronted him, he just ignored me and oh my freaking God I'm so angry! I could choke him." I make a choking motion with my hands and Hoseok starts laughing. "That was funny, but also this is serious. You guys haven't talked for a week! And he didn't tell you he was leaving for like a month! I'll beat him up for you." He flexed his arms. "Please do or I will. I'm just more angry that he ignored me when I did try to talk to him. And he's the one that started that ridiculous fight! I'm so done with him. Don't let me face him or I will actually beat his ass." He laughs again, "yeah okay, I'll go talk to him now."

Yoongi's POV

When Hoseok comes out of her room he comes up to me and asks if we can go talk. "What's up?" He sits on my bed and forces me to sit down too. "So, I heard what happened." I sigh, "Oh..." he turns to me with a serious face, "What is actually wrong with you? You were just gonna leave her without even saying anything? Are you okay in the head? I mean, who does that? I'm literally gonna beat you up." He hit me on the head. "Well, I wasn't sure what to say. We had a fight and haven't talked for a week. It's awkward." I look down, I do feel bad about not telling her. "So you were just gonna leave and hope she somehow figures it out? Also, I heard you were the one that started the fight, so what you could've done was apologize and make up with her." I guess I could've done that. "Ugh, I don't know this is too much." I groan and fall back on my pillow. "You do know and now you're gonna go talk to her because she's actually really angry at you." He grabs my hand and pulls me up, then pushes me out the door. "Go!" He knocks on her door and runs. "What the hell! That's so childish!" When she opens the door she looks really surprised. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?" She doesn't even let me in. "I..uh I wanted to.. apologize. I blew up that day for no reason. I don't know what happened. And I'm also sorry that I didn't even tell you I was leaving. That was really messed up. I'm sorry." I look down, ashamed of myself. "I guess it's okay. I'm still mad at you though, so bye." She shuts the door in my face. "Cmon, I said sorry!" I knock on her door for five minutes and she finally opens it again. "You're so annoying. Can you stop?" She's about to close it again but I push it open and get inside. "Get out. I don't want to talk to you." She sits on her bed and starts playing on her phone. "I'm sorry. I know what I did was really messed up. I was just gonna leave for maybe more than a month and not even tell you. If you did that to me, I would be pretty angry too. I'm sorry." I get down on the floor. "Whoa, dude, I said it was okay." She looks surprised. "I know, but you said you were still angry." She sighs, "Well, yeah, I'll get over it but it's okay. Really. But if you ever do this again I will beat your ass." We both laugh a little. Why did we even fight? I'm so stupid.


Aww, look who made up :') thanks to Hoseok! Whatta angel.

Sorry I updated so late, College sucks :(

But enjoyyyy!

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