Chapter 12

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The Older Brother Survived


-Location: Fight Falls' Forest-
-Date: still June 16, 2027-

Bill sobs, choking slightly as he grips his red head brother's black jacket. Will held Kill's red T-shirt as he and the blonde cries. Kill smiles slightly, patting their backs. The two pulled away slightly, the blonde clenching his fist and punched Kill's cheek hard.

Gasps were heard as the red haired demon stumbles back, almost falling. He chuckles, wiping small tears and rubbing his cheek in slight pain, "I deserved that."

"W-Why d-didn't you t-told us s-sooner?" Will stutters, his tears continuously pouring.

Kill sighs, standing up straight, "I-I had too, I don't want to interfere. I want you two to be safe.."

The older triplet looks at his twins who was hugging their lovers. He smiles slightly and felt a tug on his jacket. He looks down too see Kacy smiling up at him, along with Marshall. He ruffles their hairs, chuckling. He felt Mason's arm around his torso, he then kissed his lover's cheek.

"Dad, are they our uncles?" Kacy asks, smirking slightly.

"Yes," he answers, knowing what will his daughter and son will do. The kids giggles at each other, giving each other a high five. Kill smirks at Mason who just rolls his eyes.

While Bill and Will were busy because of their lovers comforting them, Kacy teleported to Bill and landed on the blonde's shoulders, yelling, "Hi! I'm Kacy Cipher!!"

Bill yelps and holds the kid on his shoulders, the red haired girl giggles.

"And I'm Marshall Cipher!!" The boy twin landed on Will's arms who almost screams in shock. The Cipher twins laughs, and got off of their uncles running to each other and fist bumped.

"I-It's like little Kills," Will murmurs, hugging himself. Tyrone kisses his cheek, wrapping an arm around his lover's waist.

"Y-Yeah, triple trouble," Bill added, wide eyed.

Kill laughs, hugging his twins with Mason, "Well, they are like mini me's."

Dipper nuzzles his face on the crook of Bill's neck. The blonde sighs happily, hugging his little Pinetree.

"I think it's a bad time coming in here."

They all turned to see Mabelle stepping out of the portal, along with Mabel and the kids, the two adults saw a dead corpse of a woman that quickly turned into ashes.

"Hi Mom and Dad!!" Nova and Dominic yells, running towards Bill and Dipper, tackling them. But neither move an inch. The blonde chuckled, hugging the two.

"Hi Mom, Dad," William says calmly, hugging Will and Tyrone. The light brown haired ruffles his son's blue hair, making the boy whine.

Will grins, kneeling down to William, "Hey look, you have other cousins, Kacy and Marshall."

William smiles, seeing said twins who was laughing at each other. Kill heard Will's statement, and asked, dumbfounded.

"Since when did you stopped stuttering, Will?" He looks at the blue haired in disbelief, making Bill snickers.

"The day he started loving me," Tyrone says sassily, placing a light kiss on Will's cheek which was bright red.

Bill laughs, wiping a tear in his eyes. Will glared at him, and said sternly.

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