Chapter 10

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The Stones: Unnamed Demon


-Location: Cipher household-
-Date: Still June 15, 2027-

When that situation occurred to the demons, Dipper offers Mabel and her family to go on, which she reluctantly agreed to, because demon things are hard to mess with.

They left with goodbyes. Since Will passes out as well, Tyrone and their son needs to be there for the sleeping blue haired demon, as the said demon lied down on Dominic's bed with a deep slumber.

Bill was sleeping on his and Dipper's bed, as their twins looks at his sleeping form, worried. Dipper sighs, running a hand through his hair, as he thought of how to deal with this.

Sure, random messages pops out unexpectedly, but not taking their consciousness out. When Bill and Will passes out, their lovers instantly placed them in the beds. But why suddenly? Why messages just pops out? Yes, giving a warning. But, at least not randomly passing out.

If that demon didn't do anything to them, for years..

Who's that then?

It's an easy answer from the message earlier.

The brunet caressed his demon's blonde hair, hearing his twins' conversation.

"I look weird with this." He heard Nova says, looking he saw his daughter gesturing to her birthmark on her shoulder. It made him smile a little, he stood and walked around the bed to sit next to his children.

"I feel like a freak," The blonde girl mumbles.

"You're not sister, it looks cool," her twin reassures but it didn't convinced her. They heard their Mom laughs.

"Don't feel that way to your birthmark, Nova," Dipper says softly, placing his daughter beside him along with his son, "You're not the only one, you know."

Nova looks at him curiously, Dipper only smiles, raising his long brown with blue tips bangs to reveal his Big Dipper birthmark on his forehead.

"Woah, that's so cool!!" Dominic exclaims, climbing up to his Mom to touch the birthmark, "I wish I have one too!"

The brunet demon chuckles and turns to the little blonde girl, "See? Now we're the same!"

Nova giggles and climbed up to him as well, as he and her brother talked about their Mom's birthmark.

"Why didn't you told us this earlier, Mommy?" Nova asks, looking at Dipper innocently who giggles.

He shrugs, replying, "I don't know."

"My Mom and sister have constellation birthmarks!!" The brunet boy sing songed, pumping his fists in the air happily.

"Yes, your brother is right, yours is Aries," Dipper says calmly, sliding his daughter's flannel and galaxy T-shirt down to reveal the mentioned constellation on her shoulder. He then releases his hand and smiles at the two. The twins then hugs him, taking him by surprise.

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