Chapter 11

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Fight Falls' Stone


-Location: Fight Falls; Mystery Shack-
-Date: June 16, 2027-
-Time: 13:21-

"I told you that you shouldn't have went to the alley, bro-bro." Mabel sighs, wrapping a bondage around her twin brother's torso who scoffs.

"They're getting on my nerves," was the reply from the chocolate brown haired man.

"Geez Mason, you're 26 years old! You have twins! You should be thankful that I'm babysitting them when you've gone out, or else, I won't be able to treat your wounds!!" Mabel argues back, finishing the last bondage, glaring at her twin. Mason groans and hopped off the counter.

"Did you forget that I'm a demon now, after I became 'coo coo'? You forgot some reddish tints in my hair and eyes, Mabel. Yes, I have twins, and a husband, it's just that...." he trails off, looking at the ground, "Those piece of shits insulted my family." he crosses his arms, sensing his twins eavesdropping.

Kacy Cipher, Mason and Kill's first born—by 6 minutes from her twin was peeking by the door frame in the kitchen, tying her red hair with brown strands up so his Mom and aunt won't see it. Behind her is her twin brother, Marshall Cipher, a brunet boy with strands of red hair, his red eyes which was the same with his sister's glances around to see if their dad arrives, and thankfully Kill hasn't arrived yet with his 'business'.

"Aww," Mabel coos, hugging her twin for a second, "That's very caring for you bro-bro."

Mason send her a glare, before sighing, running hand through his hair, "Whatever. I know you're there kids."

When he mentioned the twins, they flinched and looks at each other, debating whether to show themselves or not. They walked inside the kitchen in defeat, head low in shame.

"Sorry Mom," the both of them said and walked towards Mason who smiles slightly.

"It's fine, honey." He kissed his twins' forehead and took glimpse of Mabel who was grinning, "Don't you dare, Mabel."

"Going soft, ey bro bro?" she teases, as the 6 year old twins giggles.

Mason growled, rolling his reddish eyes, "Shut up, and thanks for babysitting them for awhile."

Mabel just grins and nodded, "I have to go now, bye!" she waves at them as they waved back, now leaving the house of Kill and Mason Cipher.

"How about let's watch TV?" Mason offers at his children who cheers and runs towards the living room. He chuckles, padding towards said room and sitting down between Kacy and Marshall. He turned the TV on and flip to a channel which is rated G.

As they watched, the chocolate brown haired demon didn't really paid attention to the show, as he looks around and tried to sense his husband.

Where did that idiot went?

-Location: Fight Falls' Forest-
-Time: 13:42-
-With Kill Cipher-

The red haired man cautiously walked around the forest. He senses that someone entered his dimension... and it's not very friendly at his opinion.

As he passed by, of course, he got bored easily, he wanted to see violence or hurt humans, but since he 'changed' he couldn't. So it all leaves with burning things, like burning a deer earlier while laughing maniacally, even he's already an insane demon.

He saw that his 'wife'—and Mason was a bit fine when his red demon calls him that—defended him and his twins. He smiles when he stalk his Fighting Tree, he always loves to annoy him.

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