Chapter 1

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No Good Deed


-Location: Mystery Shack; Dipper's room-
-Date: October 2, 2018; 3 months after Bill 'died'-
-Time: 18:30-

Dipper flip to the next page of the book Time Baby gave to him 3 months ago. The brunet is still finding a way, as he encountered many creatures, or other demons that seemed a bit nice.

Currently, he found out that the book was half written. The writings are sometimes in Latin, in ciphers, or in English. The book contains legends about demon's pasts, dimensions, or even sacred things. But he chooses to find some information that could get Bill back.

Returning of Bill Cipher.

That's the only thing in his mind. To get his lover back. He shut out his family and friends, but sometimes, he took acceptable and worthy taking breaks, and spend time with his family. Of course, his twin is worried about him, she offered help but the boy twin refused. The Stan Twins offered as well—most likely Ford—but Dipper of course, refused again.

The brunet sighed and closed the book, adorning the features of its cover. The book is like Ford's journal, but instead of a Six fingered hand, it's a golden triangle with a closed eye. Dipper even wondered if it opens, but he just shrugged it off.

Although, the journal as well contains mythical creatures Dipper doesn't even know or seen. Those creatures held 'powers' according to him. There are 3 classes of creatures the brunet found on the book. The ones who can teleports, locates any creature or humans nearby, can summon things, and can shape shift into animals only are called, Class I. Class II creatures can read minds, can grant simple wishes, and shape shift themselves. Lastly, Class III, they can see the future, possess someone's mind, can grant any wishes, predicts future, had a lot of powers, and can move space and switch time.

Dipper was thankful that Class III's are in a hidden dimension that Time Baby only know. We don't want those kind of creatures fall in the wrong hands, do we?

Class II and Class I's spreads in different dimensions, Class I's who can shape shift, hid themselves greatly, for they knew what kind of power can be unleashed with other Class I's. Class II's mostly hid themselves or joined Time Baby's safe place for mythical and magical creatures.

The brunet opened the book again, and was immediately faced with an unknown creature and a page he didn't noticed before. There's a drawing of the creature at the right side, with 3 glowing eyes and shadow-ish form. The curious 18 year old brunet turned his gaze to the left side of the page, seeing information about the creature.

Name: The Wish Granter
Age: 2 trillion years old
Class: III

Dipper stopped and stared at the class, Class III?! This creature can help me! If I found that this creature was not held in Time Baby's safe place... He trailed off and continued reading.

Location: Gravity Falls, Oregon
(Exact Location: Hidden Cave in the forest)

Yes!! Time Baby didn't hid them all! I might get a chance! Dipper practically screamed in his head, slightly bouncing on his chair with a grin on his once stressed face.

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