Chapter 3

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I'm Coming Home


-Location: The Depths of Void-
-Date: Unknown-
-Time: Unknown-
-With ???-

A certain blonde demon stared at the white orb he had been using to see what's happening in Gravity Falls. He was shocked that Dipper risk his sanity for him, now the brunet's insane.

But not for long.

How could the information on the book with a triangle symbol didn't wrote something that some of the Class III's are tricksters?! The demon was mad at himself about forgetting it, he's the one who wrote it! Now he saw his lover killed a human and Gideon again!

He should be proud, but how damage change struck him, change for his Pinetree, oh it was worse.

He heard a loud rip! from afar as he turned around to see the same 'X' mark from his and Tad's Weirdmageddons. He could hear screams from it, he abandoned the glowing ball and went towards it. He stepped in the abnormal colored rip without a second thought.

Sending him back to the town where his love is.

-Location: The Other Side of Gravity Falls; In the Forest-
-Date: October 4, 2018-
-Time: 21:31-

Bill Cipher groaned, sitting up slowly from the impact that happened.

When the blonde stepped in the rip, he could feel a huge wave of energy crash through, since his human form couldn't take that huge amount of power, he fainted while falling down on the rip in the sky and to the forest creating a loud Boom! that echoed around the town.

He should've turn into his demon form, but didn't have time to do it. How ironic.

Now, Bill stood as he became aware of his surroundings, even another chaos happened, the forest still looks normal, except for the fact that there's mythical creatures around, and sum it up with the demons lurked now.

If I wanted to stay low, I might use my powers to do so, he thought while snapping his fingers, turning himself invisible. He wandered around for a bit, and tried floating but the result come up with him landing on his butt. I'm still regenerating, the blonde looked at his watch which he noticed was broken from the fall. Again, how ironic the dream demon could be if he doesn't care about time, but not in this state of calamity.

The broken watch has broken glasses yet the blonde managed to see when his fall occurred, it was around 13:57 and now it was 22:36 which means he had been regenerating and sleeping for 7 hours!

How long will my powers be fully regenerated? He asked himself in his mind, groaning. He glanced up at a Pine Tree and climbed up carefully, since, of course, it was his first time climbing up one. When he reached the top, demons flew around in the sky, the same big 'X' in the horizon where he came from, the eternal night in the sky with stars pooling throughout the dark night, and from the distance, Bill managed to see a castle in mid air in a shape of a blue Pine Tree.

Bill felt a grin crept up his tanned face, Oh Pinetree, nice castle. He chuckled at himself as he saw a human-demon flew passed him, since he's invisible, that demon can't notice him nor sensed him. He still can sees himself, even summoning things, and a touch of his, it'll turn invisible for anyone.

The blonde demon looked forward, seeing the Mystery Shack on the other side of Gravity Falls. Bill groaned mentally, rubbing his face in frustration, I have to hurry before Pinetree gets worse. The dream demon jumped off swiftly and landed on the forest floor gracefully, as if he practiced it easily.

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