Chapter 4

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Ending The Madness of Dipper Pines


-Location: Mystery Shack; Kitchen-
-Date: October 5, 2018-
-Time: 17:21-
-With Ford Pines, Mabel Pines, Stan Pines, and Bill Cipher-

The four were getting ready to go to the PineTreemid, Ford giving shot guns to his family which was used when the three retrieved Dipper back from Hell.

They walked out of the Mystery Shack with 'goodbye's and 'good luck's from the townsfolk as the dream demon made themselves invisible.

"Now, we all have to do is run through the forest and we will reach the wide clearing," Bill states, as they reached the entrance of the forest, "After that, the invisibility spell I cast on us will wore off when we arrived there."

"Can you just made it longer?" Stan asks with his gruff voice hinting with annoyance. The blonde just rolled his yellow-gold eyes from the complaint.

"Things have limits here Fezy, except when I regenerated fully."

"When does your regenerating finish?" Ford asks, he received a shrug from Bill.

"Maybe a few days."

"Now enough chit chatting! Let's go!" Mabel exclaimed, dashing through the forest with the gun strapped behind her right shoulder to her left hip, "Let's End the Madness of Dipper Pines! Dippy we're coming for you~!"

The others kept up their paces from the girl's, chuckling when the brunette 18 year old sing-songed.

"Woohoo!!" Mabel yelled shooting demons in the air and around her.

"We don't need to do that Mabel!!" The Stan Twins yelled at her, running faster with Cipher.

"I do!!" She shouted back in glee, killing more demons, "—And that's for my twin brother!!" she shot another demon.

"Haha, I remember Will does that for me when we were young," Bill states, still not tired from the fast running, except for the old men.

"How was your twin's dimension anyway?" Ford asks, seeming more interested on the Reverse Falls Dimension. I mean, who doesn't?

Bill shrugged, still running, "I mean he's okay with his lover as well, and the stone is safe," he mumbled the last, that caught Ford's attention. When the Pines was about to ask what does he mean Mabel yelled to them to stop and rest for a bit.

They've been running for 25 minutes, in a very past pace. They are 25 minutes away from the wide clearing if they'd run again. Bill sat on the grass as the Pines sat a log of a fallen Pine Tree.

They had caught their breathes when they talked about things Bill doesn't even want to know.

"Oh no! I forgot my camera!" Mabel yelled when she realized she didn't brought it with her. She was determined to save her brother, as well as the others.

Bill got the attention of a whining Shooting Star as he offered her, "Want me to snap my fingers to get it? Why do you want it anyway?"

Mabel shook her head, waving her hands, "Nah it's fine, you could just save your energy for Dipper~ Hehehe."

Bill blushed as dirty thoughts run in his mind. He was returned to reality when Mabel answered his question.

"So I could take you and Dipper a pic while kissing~"

That made the blonde blush more earning a chuckle from the Stan twins.

"Who's vulnerable now!" Stan laughed out loud, gripping his stomach that caused Ford to laugh as well. Mabel joined in but she was slamming her fists on the free space of the log beside her.

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