Chapter Twelve - Crossing One Off.

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Tanner's POV

Dear Tanner, 

I have an idea to make this work. 

I don't know how you'll feel about it, but maybe, maybe it's time. Maybe we should actually meet each other?

One Direction. That's my idea. You see, I have two tickets to their upcoming concert, it's on Friday. I'm really hoping this letter comes before then. In the envelope is the ticket. Meet me their? Please?

I'll understand if you don't come..

But I really hope you do. 


Mystery boy 

Friday? Friday!? Today is Friday. The concert was tonight. 


Thousands of screams echoed through the arena, One Direction had come on the stage, but I wasn't paying attention to them.

The seats were amazing, third row on the left, but one thing was missing, mystery boy.

I glanced at the empty seat to my right, why wasn't he here? He said he would be here. I looked down at my watch, and seeing how late it was made me think, he wasn't late, he just wasn't coming.

I sighed, tapping my fingers on the edge of the seat. I felt bad, I was friends with One Direction, and I wasn't paying attention at all. This had been a waste of time. Suddenly, my fingers brushed against a piece of paper on the bottom of the seat. What was that doing there?

I slowly pulled the tape off and stared at the folded note, should I read it? Yes.

Dear Tanner, 

My heart started beating a million miles per hour, he wrote a note. Did that mean he was here?

I'll be here soon, I'm not bailing on you.

I promise you'll understand everything soon, and I'm sorry if I've hurten you in any way.

I can't wait to see you!


Mystery boy

He was here! A smile spread on my face, it wasn't for nothing, he actually showed up, I would meet him soon! Maybe after the concert?

A burly man came over to me, "Are you Tanner?" he asked. I nodded my head. Was he going to lead me to mystery boy? "I'm Paul, follow me." Paul? Why was I following him? I knew that I shouldn't, but curiosity got the best of me, leading me to get up and trail behind him.

We arrived at a set of stairs, "Go up there, it's a surprise." He said smiling, as if he was really excited for something to happen. Hesitantly, I walked up them, turning back every so often to see if Paul was still there. He always was, and each time he shooed me to keep going.

When I reached the top I looked around, was this real? I was on the side of the stage.

"Tanner!" A voice happily screamed. I started smiling, was it mystery boy?

A body appeared, coming off the stage. Niall? 

"I'm so glad you're here! We have a surprise for you." He said winking, grabbing my arm and dragging me with him. To where? The stage.

"What?!" I hissed towards him, hoping he would understand that I didn't understand anything that was going on at this moment.

He winked, leading me to a stool and sitting me on it. Suddenly, all the boys were besides me, singing their next song, with wide smiles on their faces.

Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed

'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart

I tore it apart

My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for my seat. Damn Lights. I thought. The brightness made it hard for me to see, but what if mystery boy was out there waiting for me?

I faked a smile for the audience, pretending I enjoyed it, but inside I was dying. What if I didn't get to meet mystery boy because of this?

"Give it up for our friend Tanner!" Liam yelled, sending the audience into screaming mode. 

"Thank you so much for coming to our concert..." Louis started, giving a speech about how they were greatful of the fans, but I couldn't pay attention. 

As they all left the stage and I walked besides Niall, tears threatened to spill. Everyone was leaving, did that mean mystery boy had too?

"Tanner! I'm so happy you could make it, I have something to tell yo-" he said, but suddenly changed the subject. "Are you okay?" he asked, as he saw the tears in my eyes.

I sighed, I might as well tell him. "No, Niall. Everything is not alright. And it's all your fault! I was supposed to meet someone here tonight, someone that I think that I might be in love with! And because of you, I can't meet him. I can't believe this, why did you have to do this?!" I screamed at him, I felt bad, but I couldn't help it. He ruined everything.

"Love?" He said. Was that seriously all he had gotten out of that?

"Yes, Niall, LOVE. But it's too late, all because of YOU." I screamed, "Ugh." I sighed, "It doesn't matter. I'm leaving." and I stomped out of the room, and to my car. That wasn't supposed to happen.

I took out the peice of paper from my coat pocket, and grabbed a pen off my dashboard. The tears in my eyes made it blurry, which made it hard to find what I was looking for, but I eventually found it.

Make a big mistake.

I scribbled over it, angrily crossing it out.

I made the mistake of trusting people. Trusting Paul and following him, trusting Niall and going on stage with him, and finally, trusting Mystery boy, because somewhere, deep down, I felt that he never even showed up. 

Authors Note: Sorry for ending the chapter like this& Sorry its short! :-/ But I hoped you liked it! Thanks for all the feedback, and the votes! "Dear Tanner..." has over 50 now! &  to me that's actually an accomplishment, it's getting somewhere! Haha. Comment, Vote, Fan, whatever! Thanks for reading & Enjoy! 

Hannah xx

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