Chapter 26

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**Eleven years later**


“Josh! You are going to be late c’mon!” I yelled as my son ran do the stairs. “Mom is in the car! Let’s go!” I ushered, jumping into the passenger’s side. “Do I have to go to school today?” Josh asked, “Yes!” I said as we pulled out. Josh was six, born five years after Michael and Ryan, he was now in year one of school. Kayla rounded the corner and pulled up to the school just as the bell rang. “Bye mom! Bye dad!” Josh said jumping out of the car. “Well that was easier than I thought!” Kayla said as we pulled out of the drop off. “It usually is!” I said. A year after Bree and Louis had the twins, we got married, and two years after that we had Josh. “We are meeting the others at Bree and Louis place!” Kayla said, pulling into our complex. “They should have the kids at school by now!” I said. “Hopefully!” Kayla said, pulling in front of their house, which now housed two black Porsches and a mini van. “Yep they are here!” I said as Kayla pulled to the curb, just as we got out of the car, Harry’s Range Rover pulled up behind us. “Hey!” Czesia said, closing the door shut. “Hey!” I said smiling. “Darcy went in ok today?” Kayla asked, knocking on the door. “Yeah, she seemed really excited to get to class!” Harry said. “Josh did not want to go, but we pulled up and he ran out before we could say goodbye!” I said. The door opened, “Hey!” Louis said. “Hey! How were the children?” Stephanie asked, scaring us, nobody knew she was behind us. “Great! Thankfully!” Louis said laughing, “C’mon in!”


“Hey Niall! Hey Stephanie!” I said, as we walked into the house. “Hey Harry!” Niall said. “How did this morning go?” I asked. “Lacey went in great!” Stephanie said, smiling. Lacey was the same age as Darcy, so they were in year two, Czesia and I had been married for nine years and had we had Darcy a year after. “So, how did yours go?” Niall asked. “Good! Darcy didn’t fuss at all!” I said, smiling. “What about yours Lou?” Niall asked as the door bell rang. “Hold on” Louis said getting up. “Where’s Bree?” I asked. “I am right here!” Bree said, walking down the stairs. “Vas happenin’?” Zayn asked, causing us all to laugh. “Nada! You?” she said. “Nothing!” Everyone else said. Music began playing through the house, “Hell yeah! I’m the mother fucking princess!” Bree sang, causing us all to look up, surprised. “What?” she said. “There not other so when’s it gonna sink in she’s so stupid what the hell were you thinking!” Bree sang louder, followed by, “Hey Emmy!” “Well that was a weird moment!” I said laughing. “It’s me, when am I not weird?” Bree said, a smile playing on her face. “True that!” Emily said sitting down, “Emmy, love, you are weirder than me!” Bree said laughing. “Anyway, getting off the topic of weirdness, Lou you never answered Niall’s question” I said. “How did you kids do Lou?” Niall asked again. “Ryan and Michael went in with out a problem; Jennifer on the other hand would not detach herself from Bree’s leg!” Louis said. “She is going into year one?” I asked. “Yep! The boys are in year six!” Louis said smiling. “So what do you want to do now that everyone is here?” I asked. “I vote we go for coffee!” Bree said. “Me too!” Stephanie said. “Czesia, the boys and I are going into the studio today!” Bree said, Czesia nodded, “Let’s go!” Niall said. We all grabbed our keys and phone and headed out of the door, just as Liam and Emily pulled up.


 “What are you guys going?” I said, Emily and I had to talk to the teacher, so we were late. “Coffee! See you there?” Bree said, climbing into the Porsche. “Yep!” I said, pulling away. “Em, the boys, Czesia, Bree and I are going into the studio today!” I said as I pulled out of the complex. “They are appearing on one of our songs, and the got permission to do a cover album!” I said. “Who are they covering?” Emily asked. “I don’t know, ask them when we get inside” I said, parking in front of the Starbucks. Ten minutes later, we all had our coffees and sat down. “So how did Alyssa go today?” Bree asked. “Well she hooked onto my leg and would not let go, the teacher had to pull her off, we talked to the teacher for ten minutes!” I said, Emily nodded and took a sip of her coffee. “Changing the subject, who are you covering on your album?” Emily asked. “Jane Dear Girls, Sara Barellies, Miranda Lambert, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne and a few others!” Bree said. “Sounds fun!” Emily said. “You wanna sit in?” Bree asked. “I would love to!” Emily cheered. “Kayla and Stephanie, you can come too!” Bree said. “We would not miss it!” Stephanie said. “Liam and I have been together for seven years and I have never gone with him!” Emily said, glaring at me. “I did not think you wanted to go!” I defended myself. “You never asked!” Emily said. “Sorry!” I said, holding up my hands in surrender. “It’s fine!” she said. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, “We should get going!” I said, standing up. Everyone grabbed their coffees and headed out to their cars. “I can’t wait to see what you guys do!” Emily said as she climbed into our car, I smiled.

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