Chapter 8

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  I slept really well, excluding Harry's snores. I stood up, half yawning, half streching. I noticed Harry was not in the room, I took the oppertunity to call my mom and let her know that I was still safe. After I hung up my mobile, I smelled breakfast, and heard laughing fron downstairs, so I assumed that everyone in our flat was awake. I decided to get ready, as I pulled on my shorts, I hopped down the stairs. I suddenly remembered that I needed to brush my hair, I looked at the stairs, too lazy to go back up, I turned back around and headed towards the kitchen. "Look good, babe!", Harry smirked, "Oh shut up!", I shot back half asleep. Czesia looked at me, "You want pancakes?", she asked. What kind of question was that, she knew I loved pacakes, I nodded and helped myself, shoving them in my mouth hungrily. "I will take that as a yes!", Liam said to me winking. I smiled and nodded as I wiped pancake off of my lips. "Let's Skype Bree and see if she is awake!", Czesia repiled, grabbing her black iPhone. We called her, surpised by the answer that we got. The image popped up to Bree, with her head on the pillow, alseep! "She can answer her Skype in her sleep?", Liam asked. All of a sudden Louis pulled the phone up, "Ello, as you can tell Bree is still asleep! I thought I would show you her ' I am a lovely morning person face'!" He joked. "Do you know when she will be awake?", I asked, looking at the clock, it was 10, "She never sleeps this late!", I added. "Make sure she is beathing!", Harry yelled. Just then we heard Bree rolled over, her hand landed on the night table with a thunk. "Louis William Tominson, give me my fucking phone back!", she screamed. " Say 'Hi' to Liam, Harry, Czesia and Emily!' !", he yelled! "Wait!" she screamed, "Ok!". just then Bree landed with a plop on Louis lap, her hair in a messy ponytail. "How long have you been talking to them, love?", she questioned. "Let's just say they got an head shot of you sleeping!", Luois replied. Bree gaped. "It's true, and you are not the most romantic morning person!", I giggled. "I know it is too early  to ask but what are we going to do today?", Liam asked. "Well, I am taking you and the guys to get our tuxes fitted for the wedding, Bree is taking the girls out the get her gown fitted and get adjustments on theirs! And then Bree and I and going to taste more cakes.", Louis replied. "But we just got our dresses fitted a few days ago!", Czesia repiled. "I know!", Bree frowned, :"But you guys should be good after this one, unless you gain any weight!", she added. "Well we better get going, get Kayla, Zayn, Niall and Stephanie and meet us here in a hour!", Louis added before ending the chat. Czesia sighed and logged off, "I have to get stabbed with more pins today! Not fair!", she huffed. Harry giggled.

**Two hours later** 


  Emily just got finished with and I was the one getting impaled with pins, bright side, I was the last one before Bree went to pick out her dress. The ones she picked out for the bridesmaids were a light lilac and my dress was slightly darker because I was the maid of honor. "And we are done!", the desingner said before telling me that I could change out of the dress. I walked back to the changing room and quickly switched out of the dress into the shorts and tank top that I was originally wearing. I walked out to see Bree talking to the designer setting the pick up date. She turned and walked away when the conversation was over. "Let's go! I want to get this dress before lunch!", she said, laughing. We walked for about 20 minutes to the pace where she wanted to go shopping. As our group entered the shop, Bree went staright to the attendent, " Umm, hi I was looking for a strapless wedding gown with a 14 foot train!", she said, "My dress size is a 3." "Well, you are not like opther brides that come in here, you come in prepared! We like that!", the brunette attendent replied. Bree laughed. Tha attendent pulled out ten dresses, Bree and the rest of us narrowed the selection down to five dresses. Which she tried on.  "Oh I love that one!The best is alway the last!", I squeaked. "I like this one too!", she said, " This is the one!", she continued facing the smiling attendent. Two hours later, all the adjust ments were made, "Ok I will fit it and get it to you!", the attendent said as we left. "Let's eat!",I said. It was the end of Jult and we were boiling as we walked into the pub a few blocks down fron the dress shop.  "I really liked the last dress!", I said after we ordered, Kayla and the rest of the girls nodded in return. "I just can't believe that I get married in two months! One of you guys is next!", she said turning to face me, I quickly shook my head, causing the rest of the girls to giggle. An hour passed and we finished our lunch, and Bree paid the waitress. " Well we can finally go back to the flat!", I sighed. "I have to mee Lou there, then we have to go back out and eat cake!:, Bree responded. " I don't think that is what Marie Antoinette met when she said, 'Let them eat cake!', but that works!", I added in, laughing.

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