Chapter 14

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   The only people that were not dressed were Harry and Louis, Louis was still in the shower while Harry was pa-diddeling around. "Harry Stlyes, get your ass in this room right now!", I yelled through out the flat. Harry came racing into the room, half dressed as always. "We are on a schedule here!", I said, looking down, to see Harry was in his shirt, bowtie, jacket and boxers, "God damn it! Harry Put your fucking pants on!" I yell as Liam, runs in the room. "Louis out of the shower!", he says sitting down next to Niall. Niall is sitting on the couch eating, nothing surprising there! Harry finally gets his pants on, and I go running into the bathroom to see that Louis has pants and an undershirt on, He was pulling on his tuxedo jacket when I slid in. "Need any help mate?'', I asked. "Nope I got it!",  he says sitting down to put on his shoes. Standing up a second later, "I am ready!', he shouts, the echo pounding through the master bathroom. "Liam's got the car running! Let's do this!", Niall says and Louis and I run down the stairs. We hop into Liam's car and drive off.


 Liam, Zayn and I were the first ones dressed, thankfully Harry and Louis followed close behind. Everyone was so excited for Louis and surprisingly niether the bride or the groom recieved any hate mail! All of the fans were ok with Louis and Bree getting married, and they recently have gotten a lot of conngratulations, Bree has even changed her Twitter name to say "Bree Tomlinson" and her FaceBook status to say "Married to Louis Tomlinson".  I have to admit, they were a adorable couple and now that was going to be official. "Hey, Lou are you taking her on a honeymoon?", I asked. "Yes, I rented a beach bungalow in Australia!", he said, quite proud of himself. "That sounds, romantic!", I said. "It better be, that is what I was hoping for!", Louis giggled, "I can't beileve that I am getting married!" "Nor can the rest of us!", we all laughed. Just then we pulled in front of the church. We all walk in and set ourselves up and reorganize our places before we go and relax in the groom's room the church set aside for us. People began to arrive.


 " I can't believe you are getting married!", I said as we sat down, waiting for the ceremony to begin. "I know!", Louis smiled. "Let's go ever who we walk out with, and then Harry will confirm with Bree when the girls arrive!", I say. Everyone groaned because I was double-checking things that we double-checked. "Niall walks out with Stepanie, Zayn walks out with Kayla, I walk out with Emily, Harry walks out with Czesia, Louis stands up from the pew, and Bree walkes out?", I said, everyone nods in conformation. "Good", Now we can relax", I say sitting down.


 I am happy for Louis! I am sad that I am giving my best mate away, and that there will be no more Larry Styleson roumers. But I have been so close to Louis, ever since the band started.  Now I have a beautiful girlfriend that I get to tour with. Wow I should really stop obsessing about that and let Louis have is day. The thing that surprises me is that he is not nervous at all, I am hoping that he does not pass out when he gets up there! Just then I hear the girls come in, disturbing my thoughts. "I will go confirm before all hell breaks loose!", I yell as I walk out the door, my phone signaling that I got a new text.

Louis: Hazza, we are in a chruch don't say hell

Me: Yes Daddy!

Louis: Thanks!

I smiled as I knocked on the bridal changing room, all the girl responding at one time. "Who is it?", they say. "It's Harry!", I say. Czesia walks to the door and opens it, 'Hey, babe, come on in!" "Thanks! I need to talk to Bree real quick!", I say as Kayla and Emily run back to change. "Sure Haz, come here!", Bree said, pating the spot next to her on the sofa as she continued, "Let me guess Liam sent you to cconfirm the placements?" "Yup how did you guess?", I asked. "I don't know. But continue on!", she said. I told her everything that Liam said. She nodded, Czesia and Stephanie emerged fully dressed and Emily and Kayla emerged for the other dressing room. "Well I gotta go!", Bree said sanding up, "Tell Louis I Love him and him a kiss for me!", she said grabbing her dress and winking at me. ''I will!", I said, closing the door.

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