Chapter 22

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  Classes just ended and Louis and I were cleaning up books and sheet music, which were randomly stacked throughout the room. “My pain killers are wearing off!” I whispered to Louis, “We should go home soon then!” he whispered. “Pain killers? What’s wrong?” Mrs. V asked. ‘Damn it, nothing goes on in this room un-noticed!’ I thought to myself.  “I can’t talk to you about it here, can you come over?” I said, looking around to the groups of teachers standing around and talking. “Sure, what time?” she asked. “Well Lou and I are leaving now, so if that’s okay with you?” I said. “Yeah sure, let me grab my stuff and I will follow you guys” she said, walking back to her corner and grabbing her cell and her purse. “Are you sure you want to tell her?” Louis whispered to me worried. “I con tell her now and get it out of the way, or she can find out if he storms in here one day after school!” I said back, he nodded. “Ok” Mrs. V said. “Let’s go!” I replied, attempting to smile, but I quickly stopped because me face would not allow it. Ten minutes later, our cars pulled into my drive way and Louis let the three of us into the house. Having Mrs. V sit on the couch I said that I would be right back, Louis rushing after me. I walked into the bathroom and took off all my make-up, revealing the two huge bruises. “Oh my god! What happened?” she said when she saw my face. “Don’t worry, it was not Louis! We talked to the police this morning, before this got worse” I said, sitting on Louis’ lap, facing Mrs. V. “What happened?” she asked. “Yesterday, I got a text from my ex-boyfriend about how I made his life hell when I broke up with him. I told him over and over that we would still not be together today, even if I did not break up with him that day. But he said that I ruined his life, and his reputation, but I did not really care, because it broke my heart when I would him in bed with another girl. But I decided to end it sooner than later, because I could not stand getting abused, he would always hit me and call me names, but I never did anything. He told me that he would get revenge for me doing that to him but I never believed it. So yesterday he texted me, he some how managed to get a hold of my number, even though I changed it when we broke up. He told me that he was furious and was walking over. I got really scared and showed Louis the text. We sat down and ate dinner; I had just finished cleaning when I heard a knock at the front door. I already knew who it was, so I told Louis that I would answer it. Jake barged into the house, yelling about how much of a bitch I was after we broke up and pinned me against the wall, Louis come out of the living room and saw me, he began yelling at him, but Jake slapped me, right there in front of him, twice. A few minutes later, Louis managed to get him out of the house, but he told me that he would be back. He slapped me so hard he left these!” I said, sobbing, pointing to the bruises. “That’s terrible!” Mrs. V said. I nodded, burying my head in Louis neck. “Awww! Come here!” she said. I slid off Louis lap and hugged her. “Everything is going to be ok!” she said, trying to calm me down, I cried even harder. “It’s okay babe! We’re not going to let anything happen to you!” Louis said, rubbing small circles into my back, as I bawled my eyes out. “I never meant for you to get involved!” I said. “No it’s fine!” he said, pulling me into a hug. “Ever since then, I have had trust issues with men” I said. “You trusted me!” Louis said. “Lou, look at you, you refuse to kill a fly, I knew that you would never do anything to hurt me!” I said, smiling. We sat in silence for a few minutes “I will tell administration that you are staying home tomorrow because the jetlag caught up with you, ok?” Mrs. V said as she got up to leave. I managed to nod and say a weak ‘thank you’ she gave me one more hug before she left.

**Four months later**


 Louis and Bree are back! We have two weeks before we fly back to America and we are all putting final touches on the tour, but I was worried because Bree and Czesia still had to pick out their songs. “Liam can I talk to you?” Bree asked quietly. “What’s up?” I asked, we had the house to ourselves, Louis and everyone else had gone shopping, leaving me and Bree alone. “It’s about the tour.” She said “What about it love?” I asked, concerned. “I am scared about performing down in Florida” she whispered. “Why?” I asked, not prepared for what she explained next. “Oh my god! How could anybody do that to you?” I said. “I don’t know! He said he would come back and find me, But he does not know that I am living here, so I think he will try to get me at one of the Florida concerts!” she said. “I can tell Paul to give you girls more security, ok?” I asked. She nodded, “Thanks for understanding, Li” she said. “Does anyone else know?”  I questioned. “You, the girls, Louis and my mentor teacher in the states” she replied. I nodded, and stood up, just as everyone rushed through the front door. “Bree and Czesia, you need to go pick out your songs and a name for you guys!” I said, taking charge. “Yes daddy!” Bree and Czesia replied together, laughing.

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