Chapter 20

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(A/N- LONG BORING CHAPTER!!!! You can skip over it if you want! I don’t care! None of the other girls’ point of views are in here!)


 We fell asleep after watching Grease last night, evidently we had to be at the school by 8:30 and stop for breakfast. Bree pulled me out of bed at 7 this morning, “No it is way to early!” I objected. “Get up! Unless you don’t want breakfast!” she insisted. That got me up. I looked at her, she was already dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a greens shirt and a pair of white Toms, with her hair back in a bun. I jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of red skinny jeans, a blue and white striped top and a pair of cream Toms. “I’m ready!” I yelled as I walked towards the door. “Good! Let’s go!” Bree said grabbing her car keys and walking towards the garage door. We climbed into her Jeep as the garage door rumbled open, We pulled out of her neighborhood and drove to Dunkin Donuts, we walked inside and I got a glazed donut and a medium hot tea, black, and Bree got an apple fritter and medium tea, two creams two sugars, we paid and quickly sat down to eat. “Why do we have to be in so early?” I asked. “Classes begin at 9:15, we don’t actually have a class until second period, but we have to get our ID’s done, and go over what we are doing.”  Bree said, getting up and throwing our garbage away. “The school is about two more miles away!” Bree said as she started the car. We drove in silence, hitting every stoplight imaginable. We pulled into the parking lot at the school at 8:30, we climbed out of the car and went in. “Bree!” a man shouted from behind the desk, coming towards her. “Mr. Gilliland! How are you?” she asked, hugging the guy. “Good! What are you doing here?” he asked. “I have 20 weeks left in my class until I get certified, which I can also use in England, thanks to my transfer. So we came in to finish!” Bree said. “We?” the guy asked. “Yeah!” Bree said, pulling me into view. “You’re Louis Tomlinson!” the man said. “You know me?” I asked. “My niece is obsessed with you and the other 4 guys!” he said.  “How are Gary and the kids by the way?” Bree asked as we walked back to get out ID photos taken.  “Great, the oldest is going into high school!” He said. “The last time I saw her she was in fourth grade!” Bree said. The man nodded and turned to me. “Sorry! I am Mark Gilliland, vice principal!” He said. “Louis Tomlinson, Bree’s husband and person stuck filing sheet music!” I said. The camera snapped and my ID slid into the tray next to it, as grabbed it as Bree sat tall in the chair. “Last name is Tomlinson now right?” Mr. Gilliland asked as her type her name into the computer. “Yup!” Bree replied, smiling at me. The ID spit of into the tray, “All set!” Mr. Gilliland said handing Bree her ID. “Thanks! See You!” Bree said as we walked out. “How do you know him?” I said looking at her. “My mom and his little brother grew up together! Nice outfit, now you are going to get mobbed by screaming teens, keep you head down and follow me!” Bree said, running out a side door. I ducked my head down and ran after her, thank fully the choir room was a building over. She knocked on the door, and it swung open. “Hi!” Mrs. V said as we ran in. “Hey! Sorry trying to keep Mr. Pop star hidden from small teenage girls!” Bree said pointing to me; I made a pouting face, causing her to roll her eyes. “Ok what about the lesson plans for today?” Bree asked. “Come here” Mrs. V said walking over to the piano. “Well, I am going to introduce you to the sixth graders, to upper classmen should remember you. We are going to touch up on ‘We Go Together’ and begin learning ‘Greased Lightning’. You still a soprano?” Mrs. V said. “Yeah! You need an alto to help?” Bree asked. “Yeah, I would be easier for you. The kids don’t know any of it to well though” Mrs.V said. “I can’t even hit the alto register!” Bree said, “Only person I know that can hit the alto notes is Louis, but I don’t know how well” Bree said., my head popped up at the mentioning of my name. “Hmm?” I said. “You an alto?” Mrs. V asked. “Yeah, I can complete the alto range better then the soprano range” I said. “Good! You’re helping today!” she said. Bree mouthed ‘sorry’ and I said, “Ok” just as the bell rang. She did not have any first period classes, so I got an hour to go over what we were working on. “Look over the music and we will begin in a minute!” Mrs. V said. “Done!” Bree and I announced shortly after. “Cool! Let’s start!” She said hitting the first notes on the piano. I looked at Bree and began, “We go together like ramma-lamma-lamma-ka-dingity-ding-de-dong!” and she picked up, “Remembered forever as shoo-bop-shoo-wadda-wadda-yippity-boom-de-boom” looked at each other and then at our music quickly, “Chang-chang-changity-chang-shoo-bop that’s the way it should be-e wa-ooh yeah!” “Good! Let’s do the ending!” Mrs. V said. “Altos are doing, ‘Chang-chang-changity-chang-shoo-bop’ over and the sopranos are doing ‘We’ll always be together’” Mrs.V said looking at us. We did the ending. “I think you got the other ones down pat!” she said looking at us. “I got chills, they’re multiply and I’m losing control-ol.” I sang faintly. “Ha-ha! I can do the entire scene!” Bree laughed. “Prove it!” I laughed not thinking that she would actually agree. “We have enough time!” Mrs. V chirped from the side, “We have 20 minutes! I’ll do back up if you want?” “Sure!” Bree said, she looked at me, “You start!” I sighed. “Sandy?” I said in a dorky voice like John Travolta. “Tell Me about it. Stud!” Bree said smiling.

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