Chapter 24

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**Two Months Later**


 Louis and I are going to another doctor today, lovely. We just walked into the doctor’s office and checked in. We sat down for five minutes before the nurse called my name. She took me vitals and told me the doctor would be in shortly. “I’m nervous” Louis admitted. “Your nervous? I am the one who is carrying a child! I can’t do anything! I can’t pick up boxes, or climb the stairs with out help!” I said, angrily. “Sorry! Hormones are having a spazz” I said “It’s ok” Louis said, as the doctor walked in. “Hi I am Dr. Walker!” the man said, sitting down on a rolling chair and grabbed the ultrasound, pulling it closer. The guy didn’t look much older than Louis, which made me feel a bit comfortable. He squirted some gel on my stomach and put the hand device on my giant abdomen. I few minutes later, he looked at me and Louis and said, “You see that right there?” he asked pointing to the screen. We both nodded, Louis smiled and squeezed my hand tighter. “That would be the baby, but do you see anything else?” ha said, as he moved the ultrasound around my stomach, “Yeah, there is something right there!” I said pointing to the screen. “Very good! Do you want to know what it is?” he asked looking at me and Louis. “Yes!” I said. “It’s another baby, you are having twins!” the doctor smiled. “Really?” Louis and I asked at the same time, “Yes! Look!” He said, zooming out so we could see better. It was true; Louis and I were having twins! “Do you want to know what sex they are?” he said. “I do!” Louis said, and I nodded. “Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson you are having twin boys!” Mr. Walker said as he turned off the machines and wiped the gel off my stomach. “That’s fabulous!” I said, pulling my shirt down and hugging Louis, who was beaming like a happy five year old. “Thank you!” we said as we walked out. As we climbed in the car I looked at Louis and said, “We are going to need a bigger house!” “I already though of that! I am sorry for not telling you but, movers are taking the stuff out of our house into a bigger one as we speak!” he beamed. “Does everyone know?” I asked. “Yeah they all came with me to pick out a house!” he said, pulling into the same complex, but turning left instead of right, heading towards the houses, not the condos. We pulled up in front of a huge brick house. I gasped, “It is gorgeous!” Just then my phone rang, “Llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama!” My phone yelled. “GOD DAMN IT!” I yelled, “Emily!” I screamed into the phone. “I see you heard the new ringtone” Emily said. “If I was not across the complex and pregnant, I would haul ass over there and strangle you!” I yelled. “Lucky for me you are not here! So did you get any news?” she asked, “Yeah! Are the other’s there?” “Yes!” “Put me on speaker!” I said. “Hello!” everyone said. “Hey! We got news!” Louis and I said. “And what would that be?” Liam said. “We are having twins! Boys!” Louis said before I could open my mouth. We heard a thunk in the back ground followed by, “Harry?” and “God damn it Styles, get your ass off the floor!” Zayn shouted. “Ha-ha Text me when you get him up!” I said hanging up the phone.


 “We are having twins! Boys!” Louis said, I was so happy for him; he always wanted a son, now he is going to have two, but before I could reply I passed out.


 “We are having twins! Boys!” Louis said and with that Harry fainted. “Harry?” I asked. “God damn it Styles, get your ass off the floor!” Zayn said. Bree said something and then hung up the phone. “Get me a compress, cold!” I said, Czesia walked out of the room and returned a second later with an ice cold cloth. I put it on Harry’s forehead and he eventually came to.


 After Harry’s came to he began mumbling. “Speak up” I said. “What the hell happened?” he said louder. “Well, Louis told you they were having twins and then you passed out!” I said, updating him on his status. “Ohhh!” he said. I sat back down next to Kayla.

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