Chapter 12

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 After we arrived home last night Zayn got at a text saying that we were all going to go shopping for wedding gifts, I groaned, I hated shopping. But this morning I awakened by Zayn standing in front of me yelling into his phone "Safaa, you have to clean your room!" (a long pause) "Or you are not getting tickets to that concert!"(pause) "That's what I thought!" I rubbed my eyes, "What was that about?" "Nothing, well my little sister, never mind. Sorry did I wake you?" he said. "I had to get up sometime" I yawned, standing up and stretching. I changed and brushed my teeth, then walked towards the door. "I am ready!" I yelled just as Zayn bounced into the room, "Let's go!" We stopped for McDonald's considering neither of us had eaten breakfast yet. After finishing our food we hopped into the car and went to the nearest movie store. "Which movies should we get?", he asked pulling off his sunglasses, revealing his beautiful brown eyes. "Well Bree likes comedies and I assume Louis likes the same thing!", I say walking off towards the comedy section. I scan the shelves and pull off three or four Adam Sandler movies and show them to Zayn. He nods, looks at them and pulled out three that I never heard of. "I think we are good!", he says as we walk over to the check out counter. The girl turns around as get wide eyed, "O.M.G. You are Zayn Malik!” she gasps, Zayn looks at her and nods. Setting the movies down he says, "I will cut a deal with you, if I take a picture with you, will you ring us up?" The girl, Audrey, nods and pulls out her cell. "I got it!" I say and grab her mobile, snapping the picture of the two of them smiling. I hand it back to her and she rings us up, fifty seven dollars of movies later we walk out of the store, leaving Audrey grinning behind us. "Well that was interesting!” I say as I buckle my seat belt. "I am used to it" Zayn says starting the car. We drive home is silence and I text Emily.

 Me: We got the gifts

 Emily: We have not even left yet, Liam is still locking the house like a fortress.

 Me: LOL. What about Czesia and the rest of them.

 Emily: They just left

 Me: Ok, see you

"They just left" I say, updating Zayn, looking up I see that we are stopped at a red light. I turn back to him, and he nods hitting the gas because the light changed. Five minutes later we pull into the complex that houses our flat. I get out of the car, grabbing the movies. "Where are we gonna put these?'' I question motioning to the seven DVD is my hand. "In the bed room closet! I have already thought about that!" he said, kissing me. I kissed him back, "Be right back!" He grabbed the movies and ran towards the bedroom. "C'mon! Really?" I yelled laughed. "Yup!'' he replied running back into the room, "If I wasn't so lazy right now I would punch you!" I sighed. "Lucky for me!", he laughed. I groaned as I got up grabbing my phone that started to ring. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. "Kayla! It's mom! How are you?", my mom yelled into her phone. "Well, I am fine. I can hear you, you don't have to yell. I think Zayn can hear the entire conversation if you yell!” I say. "Oh sorry honey!", "It's fine mom, how are things back in Florida?" "Good, I miss you!” she replied. "I miss you too, but I will be back after the wedding to continue classes, until I can get my transfer.", I replied. "Yay! Speaking of Zayn, is he there?", "Yes", "Can I speak to him?", as she said this my eyes got wide, "Umm, yeah sure", I say handing the mobile phone to Zayn. He sighs and takes it, "Hullo, Mrs. Taylor?!" (Long pause) "Good" (another pause) "Uh-huh" (pause) "Ok. Alright. Bye", he finally says, attempting to shut off the phone. "Your mum says bye and that she misses you. Now how do I end the damn call?". I giggle and snatch my phone away from him sliding the lock and ending the call. "I am bored, wanna go to the park?", I ask. After a minute of thought he finally replied, "Sure" I quickly change into a tank top and shorts, instead of the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing earlier. We pack some snacks and head off.

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