I'm gonna be a sister?

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The two arrive home, "So those girls seem nice?" Kara asked her daughter.

"Yeah, I mean I'm not sure how I can tell their social queue's but Scarlet, said that her younger brother has, austism?" Lexie asked

"It's autism, and well she is probably telling you the truth, but if you want me to explain it all to you, I can?" Kara told her daughter. Lexie nodded. "Thank you" Lexie replied

"So how did you go with your school work?" Kara asked Lexie

"Good, Scarlet and Sky helped me," Lexie told her mum

"Well, that's good then" Kara replied

"Yeah, um so I was wondering so is it ok if they come over, or I go over to one of their house?" Lexie asked,  "yeah, sure I would like to meet their parents though, and I know your 14, I just want tube safe ok?" Kara told Lexie. Lexie nodded and went back to her room.

Lexie helpe Kara make dinner, as she served up Mon-el walked though the door.

"Dinner's ready dad" she called out to him.

"Ok, Kara babe, can you come to the door" he called out.

"Ok, coming," she said, seeing. Mon-el at the door with a few bags.

"Whats that?" Kara asked

"I thought, we could tell Lexie?" He questioned

"Ok, bring it in and we will tell her after dinner" Kara whispered.

"Tell me what?" Lexie asked

"We have a surprise, but we will tell you after dinner, once you tell me about your new friends," Mon-el asked his daughter, she nodded her head with a smile walking table, with her parents behind her.

They all sat down for dinner. And talked about her. day, Kara wining that she didn't do anything and, Lexie making up the perfect excuse for not to go to school and train as a superhero. Both Kara and Mon-el replying with a serious 'no.'

"Lexie hon, you need to have a normal childhood, we want you to ok." Kara said loving but seriously. Lexie turned to Mon-el "Sorry, lex im still standing by your biological mum's wishes. "To keep educated" Mon-el sternly told Lexie. She gave up in the end but then remembered the gift that Mon-el had brought in.

"So can I open the gift now?" Lexie asked, Kara, nodded, while Mon-el got the bag keeping it from her before Kara explained something to her. "Now Lexie I want you to know that what we are going to give you is very precious, and we want you to know that we love you the same we do now, when" Kara started as Mon-el gave Lexie the bag as she dug down getting out two of the same small onesie saying 'I love my big sister'. "Um, what are these?" She asked. Let me finish "We will not love you less when the twins are born." Kara finished "So I am going to be a big sister?" Lexie question. Mon-el and Kara nodded not sure howLexie will take it. "Really?" She asked they nodded again. "Thank you," she said questioning, unsure on what to say.

"Thats ok, now we want you to be apart of the pregnancy, so would you like to come see the babies next week?" Kara asked, Lexie, nodded, smiling. "May I leave the table, and tell my friends?" Lexie asked. "You may leave the table, but, you cant tell anyone, we need to figure a few things out, with Supergirl, Ok do you understand?" Mon-el explained to Lexie, she Nodded again and walked off to her room.

"Well that went better then I planned," Mon-el said with a breath.

"Yeah, now tell me what did you buy?" Kara replied.

"How about we clean up and I can tell you after we have had a shower," Mon-el said

"Together.?" Kara questioned devilishly. Mon-el winked giving Kara chills down her Spine. As she super sped the clean up. "Right, lets go have a shower," Kara said, Mon-el coked his eyebrow, but smirked as he followed her close behind.

They both hoped in the shower the cold water hit their bodies as they stepped, in passionate kissing each other, making sure they were quiet. As the hot water came through, their bodies were close, Mon-el hand traveled across Kara's shoulders and down to her waist, and then her. Butt, making her moan. "Shhh," Mon-el said as he kissed her neck, arching her back. Kara let her self going him, mon-el Pushed up against the mall making sure he brought the showered with him. Mon-el teased her a few times before she started to tease him, sliding her hands down playing near the un tanned boxer lining area, slowly making her way down to his groin, She slowly moved up, taking hold of his soon to be fully erect dick. She tugged on it pulling it closer to her. He pulled her closer and pushing her against the wall again. He flicked her clit making her squirm making it easier for him to push inside of her. They were at this for a few minutes, before they heard a knock on the bathroom door. Mon-el released him self from her. Kissing herm letting her know that he will continue later tonight, he quickly hoped out of the shower putting his old boxers on and a t-shirt so he was presentable for his daughter.

"Hey," Mon-el said

"Hi, um can I have my friend's over on the weekend, or go over to there house?" Lexie asked

"I believe mum has said yes, but me or her would like to meet the parents," Mon-el told her daughter.

"Um ok," Lexie said

"Is mum, in the shower?" Lexie asked

"yeah, I'll get to to come to your room, whens she's done," Mon-el said

"Ok," Lexie said and walked back to her room.

Kara walked into her daughter room, seeing her looking at her phone.

"I don't get this social media thing, do we have any books?" Lexie asked

"um we can go shopping for some if you like, now dad told me that you wanted to goober to a friends house?" Kara asked her daughter Lexie nodded, sitting up. "Tell your friends yes, but I will drop you off because I want to meet whoever's parents you will be staying at, understand" Kara explained. Lexie nodded. "We will talk more in the morning, I'm tired, the twins are already wearing me out." Kara responded with a chuckle.   

Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the little jucie part, Vote, comment share thank you..... 

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